Bug 3641 - nautilus-dropbox problems
Summary: nautilus-dropbox problems
Alias: None
Product: Mageia
Classification: Unclassified
Component: RPM Packages (show other bugs)
Version: 1
Hardware: All Linux
Priority: Normal normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: QA Team
QA Contact:
Keywords: validated_update
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-12-06 13:20 CET by Marja Van Waes
Modified: 2012-03-24 15:42 CET (History)
16 users (show)

See Also:
Source RPM: nautilus-dropbox
Status comment:


Description Marja Van Waes 2011-12-06 13:20:44 CET
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1127 +++

Description of problem: Dropbox installs but doesnt show tray icon or pull up registration setup

Last comment of Derek Jennings:

>On starting nautilus-dropbox a pop up appears offering to download the >proprietary backend. The dropbox backend downloads and starts running in
>background, but there is no icon for dropbox in the system tray like there was
>in Mandriva 2010.

Cloning this report, because Bug 1127 was a mixture of issues with kfilebox and nautilus-dropbox, although the RPM package field had been set to "kfilebox" 7 months ago .
Comment 1 Marja Van Waes 2011-12-06 13:24:18 CET
The really last comment was Claire's:

The only way to get dropbox working, syncing with the server, in gnome is to
manually start it at login.

# service dropbox start

starts a dropbox running but it doesn't sync and no icon.


at login manually starts the backend and syncs with the server but with no

There is a step to take first which it tells you if you run it in a terminal

This is in Mageia 1.
Comment 2 Marja Van Waes 2011-12-06 13:32:04 CET
cc'ing the last two committers of nautilus-dropbox

CC: (none) => mageia, olivier

Comment 3 Kamil Rytarowski 2011-12-06 15:58:11 CET
I saw a way to get it working (I haven't tested it... just I type the solution I saw):

#urpmi nautilus-dropbox
$dropbox start -i
download dropbox deamon
$dropbox stop
$rm -f ~/.dropbox-dist/libz.so.1
$rm -f ~/.dropbox-dist/libz.so.1

CC: (none) => n54

Comment 4 Kamil Rytarowski 2011-12-06 15:58:39 CET
the last line should be: dropbox start
Comment 5 Denis Prost 2011-12-22 08:50:20 CET
@Kamil : your solution does not work for me.

$ dropbox start
Dropbox isn't running!
Dropbox is already running!

$ ps ax|grep dropbox
 4938 ?        Ssl    0:03 /home/denis/.dropbox-dist/dropbox

$ dropbox stop
Dropbox isn't running!

$ ps ax|grep dropbox
 4938 ?        Ssl    0:03 /home/denis/.dropbox-dist/dropbox

$ dropbox start
Dropbox isn't running!
Dropbox is already running!

$ ps ax|grep dropbox
 4938 ?        Ssl    0:03 /home/denis/.dropbox-dist/dropbox

so it seems "dropbox stop" and "dropbox start" just do nothing.

And still :
- no icon in systray 
- no dropbox contextual menu for dropbox folders in nautilus.

CC: (none) => denis.prost

Comment 6 Denis Prost 2011-12-22 20:35:00 CET
Update : after reboot it works so I was wrong, your solution seems to have worked Kamil, thanks !
Comment 7 Derek Jennings 2011-12-23 02:35:57 CET
Confirming that rm -f ~/.dropbox-dist/libz.so.1 is an effective workaround.
There is a discussion on the subject at http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=44654

But how to fix permanently? Why don't other distros (other than Mandriva) have this problem?
Comment 8 Marja Van Waes 2011-12-23 07:49:22 CET
(In reply to comment #7)
> Confirming that rm -f ~/.dropbox-dist/libz.so.1 is an effective workaround.
> There is a discussion on the subject at
> http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=44654
> But how to fix permanently? Why don't other distros (other than Mandriva) have
> this problem?

Good question. Maybe they have a maintainer for nautilus-dropbox, we don't.

cc'ing two maintainers of other nautilus* packages (although at least one of them is extremely busy atm)

CC: (none) => jani.valimaa, olav

Comment 9 Morgan Leijström 2011-12-26 21:55:39 CET
Thank you Kamil
The fix seem to be permanent in that the dropbox icon also apperas after reboot.

(I have no knowledge on how update of Dropbox progeram works, though, and that might be an issue there to consider, if updating brrings that file back.)

CC: (none) => fri

Comment 10 Morgan Leijström 2011-12-28 21:01:27 CET
After updating it need to be done again.
Updating to current stable version 1.2.49, using 
manual procedure at bottom of http://www.dropbox.com/install
Jani Välimaa 2012-01-14 20:46:46 CET

CC: jani.valimaa => (none)

Comment 11 Morgan Leijström 2012-02-04 10:29:19 CET
Dropbox have updated itself, and dropbox icon vanished.
Same fix as above: stop, remove file, start.
Comment 12 Damien Lallement 2012-02-28 21:20:08 CET
Please test the new package for cauldron:
The libz.so.1 issue is also available for fedora. There is thread dealing with it on dropbox forums. I hope this will be fix in 1.3 !

CC: mageia => (none)
Assignee: bugsquad => mageia

Comment 13 Derek Jennings 2012-02-29 00:13:55 CET
Tested nautilus-dropbox-0.7.1-1.mga2.nonfree on Cauldron i586

On install with the command line the information required to remove the libz.so.1 file was clearly visible and easily enabled me to get dropbox working successfully.

I then removed the ~/.dropbox  folder and  nautilus-dropbox package and added it again using Mageia Control Centre.  After install a pop up reminded me there was 'upgrade information'. On opening the upgrade information the same text was visible as for a command line install.

The only negative is the text in the box is without newlines so the text is harder to follow.
This is only a small point and not sufficient to block this bug being closed IMO.
Comment 14 Morgan Leijström 2012-02-29 14:43:26 CET
(replying without having tested)
As i see it the user is given information on how to perform a workaround.
1) He may not select to show the information (i do not always do that)
2) He may not feel comfortable to use command line
3) He may forget about it when Dropbox updates itself

The real solution should be automatic.
Comment 15 Damien Lallement 2012-02-29 15:00:48 CET
(In reply to comment #13)
> Tested nautilus-dropbox-0.7.1-1.mga2.nonfree on Cauldron i586

> The only negative is the text in the box is without newlines so the text is
> harder to follow.

I will have a look at this. Not good, you're right.

(In reply to comment #14)
> (replying without having tested)
> As i see it the user is given information on how to perform a workaround.


> 1) He may not select to show the information (i do not always do that)

We can't force people to read information. ;-)

> 2) He may not feel comfortable to use command line

It's mandatory as the daemon need CLI because of this bug (reported upstream).

> 3) He may forget about it when Dropbox updates itself

Right but we can do anything for this...

> The real solution should be automatic.

We can't as the modification has to be done in /home/$USER:
- urpmi can only do it as root
- rm can't be done BEFORE daemon downloaded and installed the files.

So, while dropbox won't fix this lib issue, I don't see any other fix.
Comment 16 claire robinson 2012-02-29 16:19:43 CET
Can this be added to mga 1 as well dams please.

I think it is the best course of action until there is news from dropbox.
Comment 17 Damien Lallement 2012-02-29 16:26:55 CET
Sure Claire, will do an update request ASAP.
For the README.urpmi issue, it's come from rpmdrake. Thierry is looking at it.
Comment 18 Damien Lallement 2012-03-14 15:53:08 CET
This update nautilus-dropbox client and add a README file to warn explain how to make it work.

- nautilus-dropbox-0.7.1-1.1.mga1

N.B: under rpmdrake, README will be badly displayed. It's not a bug of the package but a bug of rpmdrake.

Assignee: mageia => qa-bugs

Damien Lallement 2012-03-14 21:35:03 CET

CC: (none) => mageia
Version: Cauldron => 1

Comment 19 claire robinson 2012-03-20 12:07:37 CET

Confirmed the Warning message is displayed when updating and that it is malformed. There is also a spelling mistake 'programm'

Is there a bug for rpmdrake? If not, would you create one Damien please so this is not forgotten as the instructions are not currently very clear.

Confirmed dropbox nautilus integration with ticks for unchanged files and dropbox menu in right click.
Comment 20 Damien Lallement 2012-03-20 14:23:33 CET
(In reply to comment #19)
> x86_64
> Confirmed the Warning message is displayed when updating and that it is
> malformed. There is also a spelling mistake 'programm'
> Is there a bug for rpmdrake? If not, would you create one Damien please so this
> is not forgotten as the instructions are not currently very clear.
> Confirmed dropbox nautilus integration with ticks for unchanged files and
> dropbox menu in right click.

Hi Claire,

Can you check the changelog in Mageia 1 for rpmdrake please?
I don't have one for now...
If not available in 1, please ping Thierry on the bug above.

I fixed the typo for 'programm' in 'nautilus-dropbox-0.7.1-1.2.mga1'.
So, can we push this update as README.urpmi is not related to this package but to all packages with README.urpmi files?
Comment 21 claire robinson 2012-03-21 12:35:36 CET
Damien, according to Thierry on that bug newlines in rpmdrake just need two newlines instead of one. If that makes sense?

Comment 22 Damien Lallement 2012-03-21 14:10:11 CET
Hi Claire, this bug was about Cauldron, that's why I asked you to check in rpmdrake on Mageia 1 (in changelog) to see if the fix is here. I don't have 1.
Comment 23 claire robinson 2012-03-21 15:10:04 CET
I am using Mageia 1 Damien.
Comment 24 claire robinson 2012-03-21 15:13:34 CET
Oh I see what you are meaning. OK let me try again.
Comment 25 claire robinson 2012-03-21 15:32:39 CET
Still not really sure what you are asking for Damien, sorry. *fail*

I've pinged Thierry for you on bug 4697.

Nautilus-dropbox itself works fine once the instructions in the README.urpmi have been deciphered and followed but they are difficult to read in rpmdrake and apparently should be double spaced in order to insert newlines.

I've tested nautilus-dropbox both x86_64 and i586 so happy to validate apart from that.
Comment 26 Dave Hodgins 2012-03-21 20:23:08 CET
I went through the steps to create an account.

At the end though, it reported that I had not re-entered my
password correctly, and I had to cancel the password prompt.

But, it did connect, and a file then copied to the ~/.Dropbox
directory is visible at https://www.dropbox.com/home after
I login, in a web browser.

CC: (none) => davidwhodgins

Comment 27 claire robinson 2012-03-23 10:52:59 CET
I think we can validate this one.

This updates nautilus-dropbox client and adds a README file which is shown on install/update which explains how to make it work.

Please note: This package has now been moved to Nonfree medias

SRPM: nautilus-dropbox-0.7.1-1.2.mga1.nonfree.src.rpm

Could sysadmin please push from nonfree/updates_testing to nonfree/updates


Keywords: (none) => validated_update
CC: (none) => sysadmin-bugs

Comment 28 Thomas Backlund 2012-03-24 15:42:22 CET
Update pushed.

CC: (none) => tmb
Resolution: (none) => FIXED

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