Also reported on qa-discuss 15 packages failed preceded by script error for ppp (bug 9302) It then says an error occurred and asks for supplementary media and starts again trying to install 136 packages. It fails the 2nd time on 6 packages. Enlightenment e_modules file conflicts and missing efx and gstreamer-plugins-bad missing a couple of libs. It then carries on trying to install 47 packages and fails on 2 Inserting USB stick and typing bug in tty2 fails with 'ask_from_list: empty list', mount shows the USB isn't mounted, despite being enabled in vbox. Trying to manually mount the USB stick shows mount: unknown filesystem type 'vfat' I see on tty4 systemd-tmpfiles: Failed to open initscripts.conf: No such file or directory systemd-tmpfiles: Failed to open ppp.conf: No such file or directory bug command did work if I manually specified /dev/sdb1. report.bug.xz - Reproducible: Steps to Reproduce:
CC: (none) => ennael1, thierry.vignaudBlocks: (none) => 8016
Created separate bug 9442 for the 'bug' / mount problem
For Trem, Doktor: Installation failed: e >= 0.16.999.68658-0.r81625 is needed by e_modules-1:0.0.1-1.r81625.3.mga3.i586 Installation failed: file /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/quickaccess/module.desktop from install of e-0.17.0-3.mga3.i586 conflicts with file from package e_modules-1:0.0.1-1.r69188.3.mga2.i586 file /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/tiling/module.desktop from install of e-0.17.0-3.mga3.i586 conflicts with file from package e_modules-1:0.0.1-1.r69188.3.mga2.i586 file /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/xkbswitch/module.desktop from install of e-0.17.0-3.mga3.i586 conflicts with file from package e_modules-1:0.0.1-1.r69188.3.mga2.i586 file /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/quickaccess/e-module-quickaccess.edj from install of e-0.17.0-3.mga3.i586 conflicts with file from package e_modules-1:0.0.1-1.r69188.3.mga2.i586 file /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/tiling/e-module-tiling.edj from install of e-0.17.0-3.mga3.i586 conflicts with file from package e_modules-1:0.0.1-1.r69188.3.mga2.i586 file /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/xkbswitch/e-module-xkbswitch.edj from install of e-0.17.0-3.mga3.i586 conflicts with file from package e_modules-1:0.0.1-1.r69188.3.mga2.i586 e >= 0.16.999.68658-0.r81625 is needed by e_modules-1:0.0.1-1.r81625.3.mga3.i586 efx is not an issue as it is in the dvd ################## for gstreamer: is needed by gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-1.0.5-4.mga3.i586 is needed by gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-1.0.5-4.mga3.i586 libgstphotography1.0_0-1.0.5 is here but not libgstphotographyi1.0-devel (for Cjw, Funda, there is a name typo ?
CC: (none) => cjw, doktor5000, fundawang, tremyfr
Sorry, can't offer much help, as i'm not running cauldron and lack the time for packaging :/ Seems e_modules needs a rebuild and an updates fo %files list ...
should be ok now. can you test an update ?
CC: (none) => nicolas.lecureuil
Status: NEW => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => FIXED