Description of problem: Installed latest systemd updates, rebooted. Looking normal then hangs for several minutes at Checking for new hardware Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): How reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. In stall updates 2. set system to boot runlevel 3 3. remove splash=whatever 4. reboot Have seen 3 system-unit releases and bug 4133 still exists. :(
Jan 18 12:45:29 wb2 systemd[1]: Startup finished in 633ms 278us (kernel) + 5s 77ms 273us (initrd) + 8min 18s 967ms 439us (userspace) = 8min 24s 677ms 990us. I was spoiled with the 42 second times I used to get.
Blocks: (none) => 2120
CC: (none) => etiennedau-site
Same here although I boot to runlevel 5 (is that now called I'm getting a 6min userspace time since installing systemd-38-6. Also, my system freezes on a shutdown at "Checking new hardware". I have to use Alt-SysReq to shutdown. Currently at systemd-38-7.mga2
CC: (none) =>
systemd-38-8 resolved the problem.
Status: NEW => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => FIXED