Description of problem: I you see bug 2357 the component is Release (media, process) but if you browse the category: youu see nothing and it's the salme with the search
CC: (none) => mageia-webteamComponent: BuildSystem => Bugzilla
no idea ? :/
Severity: normal => major
The component has a comma in it. You need Bugzilla 4.0 to correctly handle that, see bug 40.
CC: (none) => LpSolitDepends on: (none) => 40Whiteboard: (none) => [blocker will fix]
If there is no update in the next weeks/months, as a workaround, can we remove the comma ? (the alpha is comming, that's why I ask)
Or, I removed the component as a temporary solution.
CC: (none) => boklm
oops, renamed, not removed.
thanks I close this one.
Status: NEW => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => WORKSFORME
CC: boklm => (none)