I seem to be getting random personal email addressed to packagers@group.mageia.org. I do not want any Mageia emails that aren't publicly archived (Bugzilla / mailing list) and can easily be filtered (header in the email). For now I'm deleting these emails by checking if the To: matches packagers@group.mageia.org, but this is rather error prone (cc + bcc). Please remove me from this list/alias. Reproducible: Steps to Reproduce:
It's not possible to remove someone from the alias without also removing the user from the ldap group. But I agree there was recently too many emails sent to this address which should have been sent to the mailing list instead. I think this is because the address is listed on this page : http://www.mageia.org/en/contact/ Maybe it should be removed from this page, to list only the mailing lists.
CC: (none) => boklm
CC: (none) => mageia-webteam
or maybe atleast set reply to the -dev ml
CC: (none) => tmb
All in all I found 5 - in words FIVE - threads in my gmail account, which were addressed to the packagers@ address, including the mail about this bug report, so I have to wonder...
CC: (none) => oliver.bgr
The packagers group email has been removed from the contact page.
Status: NEW => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => OLD
CC: boklm => (none)