Wacom tablets are the most used graphical tablets, and Intuos 5 is the last of them. It has now been out for exactly 6 months and is not supported by Mageia (when I say *not supported*, I don't even mean it is an expensive mouse, but rather a brick: you plug, nothing happens). The reason is that it is supported since Linux Kernel 3.5. If Mageia 3 was out in a few month, I say that's no big deal. But we have like nearly one year to wait, so that will make more than a year without a support of the latter version of the most used graphical tablet, which would basically push digital artists out of our distribution. So I have tried the desktop kernels 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 from cauldron for the last 2 weeks (on 2 machines, mine where I test; and the one of an animator artist who works with her Intuos 5 every day). Works great. I would suggest 2 solutions: - update Mageia 2 to version >= 3.5. - backport the Wacom Intuos 5 feature as a patch to an earlier version of the kernel. I guess you don't want to upgrade the kernel to 3.5 (though that would be easier, and I would personally prefer), but Thomas Backlund told on the dev mailing list that the plan is to upgrade pretty soon Mageia 2 to kernel 3.4 and that it would be worth patching it with the newer Wacom driver. Here the discussion on the mailing list: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.mageia.devel/18602/focus=18623 So I open this ticket as a reminder because it would be great to have this support. Note also that I have been a packager for a few days (apprentice). So I would be happy to help, and of course test with the Intuos 5. I tried to compile and build a rpm with the current spec, but failed though, because it seems it is asking me for the already existing patches: jehan@DarkMarmot ~/rpm/SPECS $ LC_ALL=C rpmbuild -ba kernel.spec error: File /home/jehan/rpm/SOURCES/linux-3.4.11-mga2.tar.xz: No such file or directory But I don't know where I must get it from. Not present in the SOURCES/ of Mageia repo. Where do I get/make this from? Also I am already compiling right now, in parallel, a kernel 3.4.11 from vanilla sources where I simply patched the wacom driver to the last stable version. The driver compiled fine (but the whole kernel is not finished compiling yet, so more news later probably).
Follow up on this topic. As I said yesterday, I compiled a kernel 3.4.11 and have been using it the whole day. Until now, no problem, no kernel crash, and the Intuos 5 graphic tablet is now working fine with a 3.4 kernel. I am attaching the patch. This patch has been made in a pretty simple way, no fancy stuff: I got the vanilla source for kernel 3.4.11 (current stable: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/linux-3.4.11.tar.bz2) and replace the 4 following files with their equivalent in 3.5.4 (also stable: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/patch-3.5.4.bz2): linux-3.4.11/drivers/input/tablet/wacom.h linux-3.4.11/drivers/input/tablet/wacom_sys.c linux-3.4.11/drivers/input/tablet/wacom_wac.c linux-3.4.11/drivers/input/tablet/wacom_wac.h And that works fine. I will continue the test on my own computer for a while. Also I chose 3.4.11 because Thomas Backlund said there is plan to update Mageia 2 to 3.4 branch, so I assumed it would be 3.4.11. If you think I should make and test the patch on another version (for instance 3.3.8, current version on Mageia 2), I would do so. As soon as I get a kernel version preference, I will modify the spec file with adding this patch and propose it. And I will personally test it daily. Thanks! P.S.: can I assign this ticket to myself?
Created attachment 2904 [details] Backport of wacom driver from 3.5.4 into 3.4.11 linux kernel (in particular Wacom Intuos 5 support) I assigned the bug to myself. If I am not allowed to do it, please tell me. Sorry I don't know assignment rules yet.
Status: NEW => ASSIGNEDAssignee: bugsquad => jehan.marmottard
There is now 3.4.13 series of core, -tmb and -rt kernels in updates_testing that have Intuos 5 support, please test it out...
CC: (none) => tmb
Hi, just tested the Desktop kernel. Worked well, nothing particular to report (= good). I will test the 2 others later (as I have to reboot). And in particular I will install the desktop one on my graphical artist's computer, as she is the one actually using the Intuos 5 daily (other than just making a 2-minute test). If she reports no issue (or if she does report one), I will tell it here in a few days.
Thomas > so we used this kernel for the last week. And in particular my friend graphical animator used her Intuos 5 daily, and very intensively (hours and hours every day on GIMP, and other, with the tablet) with this patched kernel. Nothing particular to report (Intuos 5 works, no crash). We are going to leave for 2 weeks from Thursday, so I won't be able to report anything else or answer any question, except from today. If you plan on releasing the update, I would say you could consider it works (as for this patch at least). Thanks!
Depends on: (none) => 8068
Update pushed: https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Support/Advisories/MGASA-2013-0010
Status: ASSIGNED => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => FIXED
Awesome, thanks! That's not showing up yet in the repositories, but I guess there is some syncing time to take into account. Thanks again!