Description of problem: I'm trying to log in from just installed 1 alpha2. No success. Forgot password > change password > Succsess > "user name or password incorrect" Booting to 1 alpha1 instalation. I'm already on bugzilla. Logging out and can't log in. The same "user name or password incorrect". Creating a new account. Log in with the same "[...] incorrect". Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): How reproducible: Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3. Reproducible: Steps to Reproduce:
do you use your login or email to log into bugzilla ? because you need with your login
CC: (none) => dmorganec
How did you succeed to login to post this bug in the first place?
CC: (none) => rdalverny
CC: (none) => maarten.vanraes
I use Mandriva installation where original account was created and I'm still lodgged on. Back to Morgan's question. I use my e-mail to log in. Bugzilla states my e-mail as logged in. What is my log in btw?
Fially, I managed to recall my another login. Wow! It may take forever to recall the one I started this bug.
CC: (none) => linux_oid
please try to log with : palm_er as login
Your login is the one you decided to use on
CC: (none) => misc
Of course, I created login without realizing (or remembering) it. And tried to log in with e-mail. And bugzilla doesn't help with recovering login. Thanks for help people.
closing then.
Status: NEW => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => FIXED
FYI, there is already a bug (somewhere) filed by Romain to have all mageia authentication accept either login ID or email address.
CC: (none) => ftg