Bug 3471 - English only on Mga2 Gnome 32
Summary: English only on Mga2 Gnome 32
Alias: None
Product: Mageia
Classification: Unclassified
Component: RPM Packages (show other bugs)
Version: Cauldron
Hardware: i586 Linux
Priority: Normal major
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Mageia Bug Squad
QA Contact:
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Blocks: 4299
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Reported: 2011-11-26 18:18 CET by Arnaud Vacquier
Modified: 2012-04-07 21:47 CEST (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Source RPM: mageia-gfxboot-theme
Status comment:

it is mageia 2 with the name mageia1... (69.76 KB, image/png)
2011-11-26 20:25 CET, Arnaud Vacquier

Description Arnaud Vacquier 2011-11-26 18:18:06 CET
Description of problem:
I has dowload "Mageia 2 Alpha Live Gnome 32"

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:
boot CD/DVD press touch "2" for change language, there is only english
Comment 1 Manuel Hiebel 2011-11-26 20:16:28 CET
Is the theme broken ? or more the translate ?

CC: (none) => mageia, watersnowrock
Component: Installer => RPM Packages
Source RPM: (none) => mageia-gfxboot-theme

Comment 2 Arnaud Vacquier 2011-11-26 20:19:16 CET
when i boot CD/dvd i have only english in language choice "F2" for live/install. 

After install it is removing unused driver and locale (and remove french) after restart i have all languages in "F2" but only english run because other was removed
Comment 3 Arnaud Vacquier 2011-11-26 20:25:33 CET
Created attachment 1119 [details]
it is mageia 2 with the name mageia1...
Comment 4 Manuel Hiebel 2011-11-26 20:39:37 CET
My ask was more to the new cc members.

> After install it is removing unused driver and locale (and remove french) after
restart i have all languages in "F2" but only english run because other was

please don't mix bugs.

> it is mageia 2 with the name mageia1...
should be fixed.
Comment 5 Arnaud Vacquier 2011-11-26 22:54:16 CET
> After install it is removing unused driver and locale (and remove french) after
restart i have all languages in "F2" but only english run because other was

please don't mix bugs.

it is that, the bug...the live is only english and when you run install it is remove all paquets language, only english is install
Comment 6 Manuel Hiebel 2011-11-26 23:02:48 CET
Olivier, should we open another bug ?
Comment 7 Filip Komar 2012-01-03 07:28:54 CET
(In reply to comment #3)
> Created attachment 1119 [details]
Same in Mageia 2 Alpha2 Live KDE 32.
Only English is available in boot menu. I boot from USB key.

But in LIVE mode other languages stays. At least locales-xy are there.

CC: (none) => filip.komar

Manuel Hiebel 2012-01-27 16:50:32 CET

Blocks: (none) => 4299

Comment 8 Manuel Hiebel 2012-04-07 21:47:37 CEST
fixed in the pre-beta3

Resolution: (none) => FIXED

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