Since the original author of Guayadeque stopped working on this project in september 2023 I had to look for a fork (openmonk's) to correct a crash with our versions of wxgtk and gstreamer that worked... Nevertheless this developer let a pending bug in the last git commit (concerning the coverpanel when activated on the left side of the display) A new fork from thothix corrected the last bugs and proposes now a 0.5.0 Final Release I have worked with him to finalize this version (after some attempts) Now it's fully tested - fresh install, - update of the last Mageia9 version, - update using the previous data directory (/home/myusername/.opencpn) Everything went fine for me
advisory proposal This final Release corrects the last pending subtle bug (appearing only when a coverpanel is opened in the left side of the display) The github source is now an active one (the developer of the original has stopped working on this project ====================================== Package in Mageia9/core/updates_testing guayadeque-0.5.0-1.mga9.*.rpm from SRPM guayadeque-0.5.0-1.src.rpm
Assignee: bugsquad => qa-bugs
Keywords: (none) => advisory
RH i586 Of the 2 systemS where guayadeque did crash before previous update this is the onLy that is still active as x86_64 is now other hardware LC_ALL=C urpmi --auto --auto-update medium "QA Testing (32-bit)" is up-to-date medium "Core Release (distrib1)" is up-to-date medium "Core Updates (distrib3)" is up-to-date medium "Nonfree Release (distrib11)" is up-to-date medium "Nonfree Updates (distrib13)" is up-to-date medium "Tainted Release (distrib21)" is up-to-date medium "Tainted Updates (distrib23)" is up-to-date installing guayadeque-0.5.0-1.mga9.i586.rpm from //home/katnatek/qa-testing/i586 Preparing... ################################################################ 1/1: guayadeque ################################################################ 1/1: removing guayadeque-0.4.7-3.git20231115.1.1.mga9.i586 ################################################################ guayadeque start play a file Good to me
Whiteboard: (none) => MGA9-32-OK
URL: https://github/thothix/guayadeque =>
Hi katnatek I don't know if my own test are useful since I am an old user of Guayadeque but the last packager too On my MGA9-64 I have tested this 0.5.0 final release (after having collaborated to debug its betas release) For my MGA9-64 it's OK
@Thomas just as extra caution can you test on the system in bug#32535 comment#65? If not, I think we can give green light (In reply to Philippe Didier from comment #3) > Hi katnatek > I don't know if my own test are useful since I am an old user of Guayadeque > but the last packager too > On my MGA9-64 I have tested this 0.5.0 final release (after having > collaborated to debug its betas release) > > For my MGA9-64 it's OK Of course, you test is useful, I already say in other bug that test from a real user is always welcome
CC: (none) => andrewsfarm
MGA9-64 Plasma, Dell Dimension e520, Core2Quad Q6600, AMD HD 8570 graphics. I had removed Guayadeque from the system, so I tested an install rather than an update. No issues to report in a quick test. Validating.
Whiteboard: MGA9-32-OK => MGA9-32-OK MGA9-64-OKKeywords: (none) => validated_updateCC: (none) => sysadmin-bugs
An update for this issue has been pushed to the Mageia Updates repository.
Resolution: (none) => FIXEDStatus: NEW => RESOLVED