The repository version is 0.6.2-dev, which appears to be a beta version. There is the stable version 0.7.1, which has many improvements.
Component: Bugzilla => RPM PackagesSource RPM: zeal. => zeal-0.6.1-8.20230117.2.mga9.src.rpmVersion: unspecified => 9Product: Infrastructure => Mageia
CC: (none) => pkg-bugs
Assigning to QA, Package in 9/Core/Updates_testing: ===================== zeal-0.7.1-1.mga9 From SRPMS: zeal-0.7.1-1.mga9.src.rpm
Assignee: sysadmin-bugs => qa-bugsCC: (none) => geiger.david68210
Keywords: (none) => advisory
LC_ALL=C urpmi --auto --auto-update medium "QA Testing (32-bit)" is up-to-date medium "QA Testing (64-bit)" is up-to-date medium "Core Release (distrib1)" is up-to-date medium "Core Updates (distrib3)" is up-to-date medium "Nonfree Release (distrib11)" is up-to-date medium "Nonfree Updates (distrib13)" is up-to-date medium "Tainted Release (distrib21)" is up-to-date medium "Tainted Updates (distrib23)" is up-to-date medium "Core 32bit Release (distrib31)" is up-to-date medium "Core 32bit Updates (distrib32)" is up-to-date medium "Nonfree 32bit Release (distrib36)" is up-to-date medium "Tainted 32bit Release (distrib41)" is up-to-date medium "Tainted 32bit Updates (distrib42)" is up-to-date installing zeal-0.7.1-1.mga9.x86_64.rpm from //home/katnatek/qa-testing/x86_64 Preparing... ################################################################################################## 1/1: zeal ################################################################################################## 1/1: removing zeal-0.6.1-8.20230117.2.mga9.x86_64 ################################################################################################## first time using this, download php docset, navigate a few Looks good to me
CC: (none) => andrewsfarmWhiteboard: (none) => MGA9-64-OK
Keywords: (none) => validated_update
An update for this issue has been pushed to the Mageia Updates repository.
Resolution: (none) => FIXEDStatus: NEW => RESOLVED