Bug 33372 - Missing dependency for tartube
Summary: Missing dependency for tartube
Alias: None
Product: Mageia
Classification: Unclassified
Component: RPM Packages (show other bugs)
Version: 9
Hardware: All Linux
Priority: Normal normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: QA Team
QA Contact:
Whiteboard: MGA9-64-OK
Keywords: advisory, validated_update
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-07-06 14:17 CEST by sturmvogel
Modified: 2024-07-11 03:05 CEST (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Source RPM: tartube-2.3.367-3.mga9.src.rpm
Status comment:


Description sturmvogel 2024-07-06 14:17:16 CEST
In Mageia 9 only youtube-dl is a dependency for tartube.

At first start of tartube, it is required to choose between a downloader: either youtube-dl or yt-dlp. When you chose to use yt-dlp all video downloads will fail as yt-dlp cannot be found. The reason is, normaly tartube would download yt-dlp from external. The external download is disabled in the Mageia tartube package.

If you install yt-dlp via urpmi or MCC, tartube will happily pick up this version.

So the solution for a properly working tartube package in Mageia is to require youtube-dl AND yt-dlp as dependency.

In Cauldron the same problem exist, but the other way around: yt-dlp is a dependency but not youtube-dl.

See also old bug 30039 for explanations of the disabled external download of the commandline backend.
sturmvogel 2024-07-06 14:18:02 CEST

Whiteboard: (none) => cauldron too
Summary: Missing dependency fot tartube => Missing dependency for tartube

Comment 1 Lewis Smith 2024-07-08 20:49:05 CEST
I can confirm that M9 tartube requires youtube-dl, but not yt-dlp.

No obvious maintainer for tartube, so assigning this globally.

Assignee: bugsquad => pkg-bugs

Comment 2 David GEIGER 2024-07-09 06:21:41 CEST
Done for both mga9 and Cauldron!

Whiteboard: cauldron too => (none)
CC: (none) => geiger.david68210

Comment 3 David GEIGER 2024-07-09 06:22:35 CEST
Assigning to QA,

Package in 9/Core/Updates_testing:


Assignee: pkg-bugs => qa-bugs

katnatek 2024-07-10 01:22:55 CEST

Keywords: (none) => advisory

Comment 4 katnatek 2024-07-10 03:09:45 CEST
RH mageia 9 x86_64

rpm -e --nodeps yt-dlp

With current version

LC_ALL=C urpmi tartube
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed:
(test only, installation will not be actually done)
  Package                        Version      Release       Arch    
(medium "Core Release (distrib1)")
  lib64blosc1                    1.21.2       1.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  lib64hdf5_200                  1.12.2       5.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  lib64qhull_r8.0                2020.2       6.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5bluetooth5             5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5designer5              5.15.7       2.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5location5              5.15.7       2.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5nfc5                   5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5positioningquick5      5.15.7       2.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5quick3d5               5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5quick3dassetimport5    5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5quick3drender5         5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5quick3druntimerender5  5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5quick3dutils5          5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5remoteobjects5         5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5serialport5            5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5websockets5            5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5xmlpatterns5           5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-bottleneck             1.3.7        1.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  python3-chardet                5.1.0        1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-contourpy              1.0.6        1.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-cycler                 0.11.0       1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-decorator              5.1.1        2.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-feedparser             6.0.10       1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-fs                     2.4.16       1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-imageio-ffmpeg         0.4.3        3.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-kiwisolver             1.4.4        1.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-lz4                    3.1.3        3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-matplotlib             3.6.2        2.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-matplotlib-data        3.6.2        2.mga9        noarch  
  python3-matplotlib-data-fonts  3.6.2        2.mga9        noarch  
  python3-matplotlib-gtk3        3.6.2        2.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-matplotlib-qt5         3.6.2        2.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-moviepy                1.0.3        4.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-mpmath                 1.2.1        4.mga9        noarch  
  python3-numexpr                2.8.3        1.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  python3-numpy-f2py             1.24.3       1.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-pandas                 1.4.1        2.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  python3-pandas-datareader      0.10.0       3.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-proglog                0.1.9        4.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-qt5                    5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-bluetooth          5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-dbus               5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-designer           5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-location           5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-multimedia         5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-multimediawidgets  5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-nfc                5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-opengl             5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-positioning        5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-printsupport       5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-quick3d            5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-quickwidgets       5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-remoteobjects      5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-sensors            5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-serialport         5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-sql                5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-svg                5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-test               5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-texttospeech       5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-webchannel         5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-websockets         5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-widgets            5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-x11extras          5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-xml                5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-xmlpatterns        5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-sgmllib3k              1.0.0        8.mga9        noarch  
  python3-sympy                  1.11.1       1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-tables                 3.7.0        2.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  python3-tqdm                   4.64.1       2.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-twodict                1.2          8.mga9        noarch  
  python3-xlrd                   2.0.1        4.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-xlwt                   1.3.0        3.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-zopfli                 0.2.1        1.mga9        x86_64  
  qtquick3d5                     5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  qtremoteobjects5               5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  qtxmlpatterns5                 5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  qtxmlpatterns5-xmlpatterns     5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  tartube                        2.3.367      3.mga9        noarch  
  youtube-dl                     2021.12.17   3.mga9        noarch  
(medium "Core Updates (distrib3)")
  lib64gst-gir1.0                1.22.11      1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64python3-devel             3.10.11      1.2.mga9      x86_64  
  lib64python3.10-testsuite      3.10.11      1.2.mga9      x86_64  (recommended)
  python3-docs                   3.10.11      1.2.mga9      noarch  (recommended)
  python3-fonttools              4.38.0       2.1.mga9      noarch  
  python3-pyglet                 1.5.27       1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-scipy                  1.9.1        2.1.mga9      x86_64  
  tkinter3                       3.10.11      1.2.mga9      x86_64  (recommended)
445MB of additional disk space will be used.
92MB of packages will be retrieved.
Proceed with the installation of the 87 packages? (Y/n)

LC_ALL=C urpmi tartube
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed:
  Package                        Version      Release       Arch    
(medium "QA Testing (64-bit)")
  tartube                        2.5.0        1.mga9        noarch  
(medium "Core Release (distrib1)")
  lib64blosc1                    1.21.2       1.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  lib64hdf5_200                  1.12.2       5.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  lib64qhull_r8.0                2020.2       6.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5bluetooth5             5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5designer5              5.15.7       2.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5location5              5.15.7       2.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5nfc5                   5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5positioningquick5      5.15.7       2.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5quick3d5               5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5quick3dassetimport5    5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5quick3drender5         5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5quick3druntimerender5  5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5quick3dutils5          5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5remoteobjects5         5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5serialport5            5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5websockets5            5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64qt5xmlpatterns5           5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-bottleneck             1.3.7        1.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  python3-chardet                5.1.0        1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-contourpy              1.0.6        1.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-cycler                 0.11.0       1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-decorator              5.1.1        2.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-feedparser             6.0.10       1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-fs                     2.4.16       1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-imageio-ffmpeg         0.4.3        3.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-kiwisolver             1.4.4        1.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-lz4                    3.1.3        3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-matplotlib             3.6.2        2.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-matplotlib-data        3.6.2        2.mga9        noarch  
  python3-matplotlib-data-fonts  3.6.2        2.mga9        noarch  
  python3-matplotlib-gtk3        3.6.2        2.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-matplotlib-qt5         3.6.2        2.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-moviepy                1.0.3        4.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-mpmath                 1.2.1        4.mga9        noarch  
  python3-numexpr                2.8.3        1.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  python3-numpy-f2py             1.24.3       1.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-pandas                 1.4.1        2.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  python3-pandas-datareader      0.10.0       3.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-proglog                0.1.9        4.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-qt5                    5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-bluetooth          5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-dbus               5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-designer           5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-location           5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-multimedia         5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-multimediawidgets  5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-nfc                5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-opengl             5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-positioning        5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-printsupport       5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-quick3d            5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-quickwidgets       5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-remoteobjects      5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-sensors            5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-serialport         5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-sql                5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-svg                5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-test               5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-texttospeech       5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-webchannel         5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-websockets         5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-widgets            5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-x11extras          5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-xml                5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-qt5-xmlpatterns        5.15.7       3.mga9        x86_64  
  python3-sgmllib3k              1.0.0        8.mga9        noarch  
  python3-sympy                  1.11.1       1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-tables                 3.7.0        2.mga9        x86_64  (recommended)
  python3-tqdm                   4.64.1       2.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-twodict                1.2          8.mga9        noarch  
  python3-xlrd                   2.0.1        4.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-xlwt                   1.3.0        3.mga9        noarch  (recommended)
  python3-zopfli                 0.2.1        1.mga9        x86_64  
  qtquick3d5                     5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  qtremoteobjects5               5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  qtxmlpatterns5                 5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  qtxmlpatterns5-xmlpatterns     5.15.7       1.mga9        x86_64  
  youtube-dl                     2021.12.17   3.mga9        noarch  
(medium "Core Updates (distrib3)")
  lib64gst-gir1.0                1.22.11      1.mga9        x86_64  
  lib64python3-devel             3.10.11      1.2.mga9      x86_64  
  lib64python3.10-testsuite      3.10.11      1.2.mga9      x86_64  (recommended)
  python3-docs                   3.10.11      1.2.mga9      noarch  (recommended)
  python3-fonttools              4.38.0       2.1.mga9      noarch  
  python3-pyglet                 1.5.27       1.mga9        noarch  
  python3-scipy                  1.9.1        2.1.mga9      x86_64  
  tkinter3                       3.10.11      1.2.mga9      x86_64  (recommended)
(medium "BDK-Free-noarch")
  yt-dlp                         2024.07.02   0.1bdk_mga9   noarch  
461MB of additional disk space will be used.
97MB of packages will be retrieved.
Proceed with the installation of the 88 packages? (Y/n)

The testing package fetch yt-dlp, I'll not test function of the application
Comment 5 katnatek 2024-07-11 01:00:54 CEST
Finally, I install the testing version and check function, selecting yt-dlp as dowloader

CC: (none) => andrewsfarm
Whiteboard: (none) => MGA9-64-OK

Comment 6 Thomas Andrews 2024-07-11 01:20:22 CEST

Keywords: (none) => validated_update
CC: (none) => sysadmin-bugs

Comment 7 Dan Fandrich 2024-07-11 02:40:59 CEST
IMHO, youtube-dl and yt-dlp should both be Recommends:, not Requires:. tartube only needs one so the user should be free to uninstall the other, or not install it to begin with.

CC: (none) => dan

Comment 8 Mageia Robot 2024-07-11 03:05:23 CEST
An update for this issue has been pushed to the Mageia Updates repository.


Resolution: (none) => FIXED

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.