ISC DHCP 4.4.3-P1 is the final planned release: Which means it will not be maintained for security issues or bug fixes. The server component should be replaced by ISC Kea: The dhcp client can simply be replaced by dhcpcd (already packaged). We need to change any references in the Mageia installer and tools to dhcp-client to use dhcpcd instead (at least by default).
Assignee: bugsquad => mageiatoolsTarget Milestone: --- => Mageia 9
Priority: Normal => release_blocker
To be more specific, drakx-installer-images BR's dhcp-client, libguestfs BR's and Requries's dhcp-client, and clusterscripts-server-pxe and pxe Requires dhcp-server.
Source RPM: dhcp-4.4.3-2.mga9.src.rpm => dhcp-4.4.3P1-1.mga9.src.rpm
See Also: (none) =>
Blocks: (none) => 30163
Given the elements luigi cites, assigning this to the tools group.
As I need a DHCP server for my env, I've started to work on adding the kea server to mga8, writing the spec file, based on the Fedora one. We miss some other packages so this will take a bit of time before it's ready. However, I wonder whether we should now drop dhcpd. THe announce dates from the 5th of october. If a group of volunteers jump on the maintenance, we could still keep it, as it's too early to say. Considring how widely that server is used, I'd be surprised everybody moves just like that. Non talking of the conf file modifications that could make the replacement difficult (especially when updating a package). Have not looked at that yet.
CC: (none) => bruno
I use it too, but we can't just assume someone will maintain it for the life of Mageia 9. Remember if that changes it could be revived later.
CC: (none) => fri
i am packaging kea for mageia
Status: NEW => ASSIGNEDCC: (none) => mageia
I have updated the installer and drakx-net to use dhcpcd by default, and have changed the Recommends in initscripts. I have removed the BuildRequires dhcp-client from drakx-installer images, which wasn't needed anyway (stage1 has its own standalone dhcp client implementation). For dhcp-client, that leaves libguestfs with a BuildRequires and vpnpptp with a Recommends, and resolvconf, compute-image-packages, ntp, chrony, cloud-init, and dhcp putting dhclient hooks in /etc. Reassigning to all packagers for the remaining cleanup.
Assignee: mageiatools => pkg-bugsCC: (none) => mageia
I guess we should write something in release notes. Suggestion?
Keywords: (none) => FOR_RELEASENOTES9
CC: (none) => cooker
my kea package is almost done. I can finish it tomorow
Should we write "DHCP is EOL and will be replaced by kea some time after Mageia 9 release." ?
We can't replace it after the release. It's now or never.
Now or never for mga9 i suppose you mean :) RC seem to be very soon, so looks like never. The switch will be for mga10 it seems, correct me if wrong. We do not yet have a tracker bug for packages to remove for 10 nor a FOR_RELEASENOTES10 flag. Temporarily removing those from mga9 and also release blocker level so it gets off mga9 radar.
Blocks: 30163 => (none)Target Milestone: Mageia 9 => Mageia 10Keywords: FOR_RELEASENOTES9 => (none)Status comment: (none) => For rel notes 10 and packages to remove in 10Priority: release_blocker => High
Added to the tracker for mga10
Status comment: For rel notes 10 and packages to remove in 10 => For rel notes 10Blocks: (none) => 32127
Priority: High => release_blocker
As discussed on the qa-discuss ML, the change from dhcp-client to dhcpcd broke the ability of the classical ISO to start networking when updating a Mageia 8 system that was configured to use the legacy network scripts. Whilst investigating this it was also noticed that when using the legacy network scripts, the DHCP client is selected in the ifcfg files, so any attempt to obsolete dhcp-client would also have to update those files. As we are too close to the Mageia 9 release to properly fix these issues, the changes to the installer/drakx-net/initscripts/meta-task have been reverted to again default to using dhcp-client.
CC: (none) => doktor5000
So what is the status of this now in mga10/Cauldron?
Status comment: For rel notes 10 => (none)Keywords: (none) => FOR_RELEASENOTES10