Czech MageiaWelcome has the words correctly from left to right, but the layout is right to left. For Dutch MageiaWelcome, some lines on the Media sources tab are partially invisible, because the welcome screen isn't wide enough. This is caused by the coloured rectangles on the left being too wide, which is caused by the translation. You can test both issues by running "LANGUAGE=CS mageiawelcome" and "LANGUAGE=NL mageiawelcome" respectively. The translations were fixed in Tx and Yuri already pushed them to git. After doing "make dist" and building a package with the resulting tar ball, both issues are fixed.
Whiteboard: (none) => MGA8TOO
Sorry, I've messed something up. I had copied my mageiarepo from git to a different directory, and everything went fine there, including building a tarball with a different version But now it went wront in the original directory, because (at least) keeps going back to 2.15 I hadn't noticed that when checking with gitk, sorry
The git mess is cleaned up, thanks to Wally. 2.16 is committed to cauldron, I'll reboot into Mageia 8 later to test the mga8 package before committing
and 2.16 is committed to Mga8 too, now. @ Florian Now that I took up learning to become a packager again, and since my other mentor is gone, do you mind checking my commits and pushing them if you think they're fine? I'll write a suggested advisory when they're pushed.
CC: (none) => doktor5000
(In reply to Marja Van Waes from comment #4) > I'll write a suggested advisory when they're pushed. Looks good to me including the advisory, pushed mageiawelcome-2.16-1.mga8 to core/updates_testing, feel free to assign this to QA. FWIW this is also described in but I think you know how this works :)
Status: NEW => ASSIGNEDAssignee: mageiatools => marja11
Thanks, Florian Reassigning to QA team. Suggested Advisory: ======================== Mageiawelcome-2.15 has a Right to Left layout for Czech. For Dutch, some text in its "Media sources" tab is invisible. Mageiawelcome-2.16 fixes both issues. ======================== Packages in 8/core/updates_testing: ======================== mageiawelcome-2.16-1.mga8.noarch.rpm Source RPM: ======================== mageiawelcome-2.16-1.mga8.src.rpm
Assignee: marja11 => qa-bugs
And, for the record, the issues can be tested by running: LANGUAGE=CS mageiawelcome and LANGUAGE=NL mageiawelcome
(sorry, taking back until it is pushed to cauldron, too)
Assignee: qa-bugs => marja11
mageiawelcome-2.16-1.mga9 landed in cauldron, so QA can start testing mageiawelcome-2.16-1.mga8 now
CC: (none) => marja11Assignee: marja11 => qa-bugsVersion: Cauldron => 8Whiteboard: MGA8TOO => (none)
mga8, x64 Confirmed the two issues before updating. Czech menu starts on the right-hand side. Dutch media sources tab does not wrap text but it can be seen by resizing the window. After updating: $ LANGUAGE=NL mageiawelcome file:///usr/share/mageiawelcome/Install.qml:25:9: QML Image: Cannot open: file:///usr/share/icons/draklive-install.png Qt Quick Layouts: Polish loop detected. Aborting after two iterations. The Media sources tab now behaves. Resizing to wider causes some text to move to previous line, as it should. So this is good. $ LANGUAGE=CS mageiawelcome file:///usr/share/mageiawelcome/Install.qml:25:9: QML Image: Cannot open: file:///usr/share/icons/draklive-install.png Qt Quick Layouts: Polish loop detected. Aborting after two iterations. 'Vitejte' is displayed on the leftmost menu tab and the rest are in their correct places. The different tabs behave properly. MCC asks for the root password in English) and Czech is used everywhere. The terminal reported 'cannot run isodumper because it is not installed'. Popup messages in the application appear in Czech. So this is good also.
CC: (none) => tarazed25Whiteboard: (none) => MGA8-64-OK
It's really good that we are a multi-national community. I would have been completely lost on this one. Thank you, Marja and Len! Validating. Advisory in Comment 6.
CC: (none) => andrewsfarm, sysadmin-bugsKeywords: (none) => validated_update
Keywords: (none) => advisoryCC: (none) => davidwhodgins
An update for this issue has been pushed to the Mageia Updates repository.
Status: ASSIGNED => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => FIXED