Bug 27255 - Missing Printer systray menu in Plasma - print-manager from Plasma not installed by default
Summary: Missing Printer systray menu in Plasma - print-manager from Plasma not instal...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Mageia
Classification: Unclassified
Component: RPM Packages (show other bugs)
Version: Cauldron
Hardware: All Linux
Priority: High major
Target Milestone: Mageia 8
Assignee: KDE maintainers
QA Contact:
Whiteboard: MGA7TOO
Depends on:
Blocks: 17523
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Reported: 2020-09-07 22:04 CEST by Aurelien Oudelet
Modified: 2021-01-28 09:46 CET (History)
0 users

See Also:
Source RPM: print-manager-20.12.0-1.mga8.src.rpm
Status comment:


Description Aurelien Oudelet 2020-09-07 22:04:48 CEST
Print-manager from Plasma Applications (20.08.0) is not installed by default when I install a printer with task-printing with Plasma session.

End-user can't have a systray icon to manage his printing work.
But this is provided upstream by this package.

Therefore, I know system-config-printer is GUI to set up a printer in MCC.
But, to be more user-friendly, we must ship print-manager package with Plasma when a printer is installed.

Mageia 7 also affected.
Aurelien Oudelet 2020-09-07 22:05:08 CEST

Whiteboard: (none) => MGA7TOO

Comment 1 Aurelien Oudelet 2020-09-07 22:05:46 CEST
Assigned to the package maintainer.

(Please set the status to 'assigned' if you are working on it)

Keywords: (none) => Triaged

Comment 2 Aurelien Oudelet 2020-09-19 20:20:09 CEST
Tested case:

1) Freshly installed Mageia Cauldron Plasma version.
2) Add a printer via MCC.
This installs task-printing and task-printing-hp.
3) Print a document to recently added printer with what you want application.
4) Document starts to be printed. No feedback on GUI of printing.

Plasma is not handled and there is no printer tray information when printing a document to printer, contrary to other distribution like KDE Neon, Kubuntu, OpenSUSE.

In facts, print-manager-20.08.1-1.mga8 is not installed.

I think we could handle this situation by adding a script that detects current desktop environment (see $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP) and should install correct printer tray or current desktop tools for printing.

Severity: normal => major

Comment 3 Aurelien Oudelet 2020-09-19 20:24:19 CEST
Rationale to this bug:
If printing has an error: no paper supplies, printer's inks has too low level or offline printer, there is no feedback on GUI to inform user.
This is a lack of functionality.
Aurelien Oudelet 2020-10-29 16:13:22 CET

Blocks: (none) => 17523

Comment 4 Aurelien Oudelet 2020-12-14 15:14:46 CET
For this bug:

MCC installs task-printer-server when first click on "Set printer" in hardware section of MCC.

What about that script should run a query in env variable:

and finally propose to install also packages from

Note also for other DE that there is system-config-printer-applet RPM. Why even this is not installed when installing system-config-printer ?

Source RPM: print-manager-20.08.0-1.mga8.src.rpm => print-manager-20.08.3-1.mga8.src.rpm

Comment 5 Aurelien Oudelet 2021-01-08 17:45:11 CET

Priority: Normal => High
Keywords: Triaged => (none)
Source RPM: print-manager-20.08.3-1.mga8.src.rpm => print-manager-20.12.0-1.mga8.src.rpm

Comment 6 Aurelien Oudelet 2021-01-28 09:46:40 CET
@Nicolas, you had took look about that. Print-manager is not installed with selecting "Plasma" in Classic ISO installation.

It is not installed, nor cups.

A desktop without printer is not a desktop. I know some wants the minimal footprint to their systems but this is too far, not user-friendly Out-of-the-box.

Also, someone can tell me to go to MCC, Hardware, Set printer and gurpmi installs all that is necessary... but not printer-manager (for Plasma) as there will be no systray applet for user to manage print jobs.

# urpmi print-manager

pulls correctly cups server.
But, it is not enabled/started afterwards.

User will get : "Print service unavailable. Bad file descriptor"
Which is obvious...

In system log:

systemsettings5[3521]: libkcups: IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR: clearing cookies and reconnecting
systemsettings5[3521]: libkcups: Failed to reconnect Argument invalide

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