Bug 27183 - Default Mageia spectacle integration settings missing in plasma5 systemsettings
Summary: Default Mageia spectacle integration settings missing in plasma5 systemsettings
Alias: None
Product: Mageia
Classification: Unclassified
Component: RPM Packages (show other bugs)
Version: Cauldron
Hardware: All Linux
Priority: High major
Target Milestone: Mageia 8
Assignee: KDE maintainers
QA Contact:
Keywords: IN_ERRATA8, Triaged
Depends on:
Reported: 2020-08-23 13:44 CEST by Barry Jackson
Modified: 2021-04-15 16:25 CEST (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Source RPM: spectacle-20.12.0-1.mga8.src.rpm
Status comment: Easy fix noted in Errata


Description Barry Jackson 2020-08-23 13:44:51 CEST
Description of problem:
As summary.
Since plasma-workspace-5.19.4 update (I think).

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Aurelien Oudelet 2020-08-23 13:53:37 CEST
Sorry, seems to work for me on Plasma 5.19.4 and latest spectacle 20.08 from recent update.

Go to Systemsetting5 => Shortcuts => Global Shortcuts and see spectacle in right panel. Correct and default key is Print... So worksome?

Also, does your keyboard correctly configured in Systemsettings5 => Input devices => Keyboard ?

CC: (none) => ouaurelien

Comment 2 Barry Jackson 2020-08-23 14:03:48 CEST
OK, so yes it is configurable, but why has the update lost or not set the default configuration that we have always had in Mageia?

We always get to this stage in the release cycle where Cauldron has been stable for months, and then things start to break! ;)

Summary: Since plasma5 update spectacle screen grab no longer triggered by Prt_Sc key => Default Mageia spectacle integration settings missing in plasma5 systemsettings

Comment 3 Aurelien Oudelet 2020-08-23 14:12:20 CEST

But I have Cauldron installed since Mageia 8 Beta 1 and first thing I tried when reading your report is to press "Print" to see if on my side everything runs well.  And it runs well...

Sometimes, an other program claims similar shortcut... Is your system Plasma only or there is Gnome or an other DE?
Comment 4 Barry Jackson 2020-08-23 14:40:10 CEST
I only have plasma installed as major DE, certainly no Gnome.

It has been working fine with no user configuration in Cauldron, and I have been using Cauldron plasma5 as my main production system for pretty much the whole cycle except the very start.

I use screen grab quite regularly and have never ever in any release since Mga1 ever had to configure this manually. I was not even aware of where this was set.

Something has changed.

I will check in a different user.
Comment 5 Barry Jackson 2020-08-23 14:49:18 CEST
In my clean test user there is no longer any default shortcut set for spectacle.
Comment 6 Aurelien Oudelet 2020-08-23 15:29:18 CEST
Hi, thanks for reporting this bug.
Assigned to the package maintainer.

(Please set the status to 'assigned' if you are working on it)

Assignee: bugsquad => kde
Keywords: (none) => 8beta1, Triaged

Aurelien Oudelet 2020-09-07 22:07:03 CEST

Target Milestone: --- => Mageia 8

Comment 7 Thomas Andrews 2021-01-15 16:59:45 CET
Confirming this bug is still valid as of the RC test isos dated 2021/01/13. On a clean install, the default keyboard shortcuts for Spectacle are shown in systemsettings as disabled. If you click on the box to enable, you see a message like this:

Shortcut Print is already assigned to action 'Start Screenshot Tool' of Custom Shortcuts Service. Do you want to reassign it? 

Answering yes and going through the process still results in the shortcut not working.

CC: (none) => andrewsfarm

Comment 8 Nicolas Lécureuil 2021-01-15 20:20:54 CET
ok i will an "clean RC" to check and see how  to fix this.

CC: (none) => mageia

Comment 9 Thomas Andrews 2021-01-15 22:51:33 CET
This latest "clean" install did retain the /home from the previous install. The history was this:

1) Mageia 7 Plasma install
2) Upgrade install to Cauldron using netinstall, shortly before the first round of RC isos came out. I don't recall using Spectacle with that install.
3) After about two weeks, a "Clean" install from the Round 2 RC CI, retaining /home.
Comment 10 Morgan Leijström 2021-02-05 14:18:25 CET
What is the status of this for latest RC?

What to write in errata?
Live Plasma, and classic Plasma install, do not have screensaver shortcut configured?

CC: (none) => fri

Comment 11 Aurelien Oudelet 2021-02-05 14:38:49 CET
Press "Print Screen" key triggers well Spectacle on a M8 Plasma freshly installed from RC1 Take 5 internal ISO, with not retaining a /home, so purely default settings.

I tend to close this fixed/invalid... as I did not see any fixes upstream since August on it...
Comment 12 Thomas Andrews 2021-02-05 20:19:59 CET
I can confirm that the system described in Comment 7 and Comment 9 is still not working with the retained /home from the initial M7 upgrade. But, when I create a new user on that same system, Print Screen does indeed work.

So, apparently, it is an upgrade issue, or an issue with retaining /home. But which is it? If an issue with retaining /home, it would be nice if there was a way to address it other than creating a completely new /home.
Comment 13 Morgan Leijström 2021-02-05 20:23:36 CET
To be put in Plasma section in release notes.
At least i set that flag for now.

Keywords: (none) => FOR_RELEASENOTES8

Comment 14 Thomas Andrews 2021-02-06 15:35:36 CET
Definitely not an "invalid" bug. 

I have two other affected systems, on two very different sets of hardware. One may have been upgraded originally, but it's been so long that I don't recall now. The other is more recent, and I don't think it was an upgrade install, simply a clean install while retaining /home. I do so many installs that it's sometimes difficult to keep track of what I did where. I really should write these things down somewhere...

I suspect that the friendly folks at KDE have changed one of the config files in some sort of subtle fashion, but we don't during the install if /home is retained.

If that is the case, I would think it would be something that we could fix with an update soon after the release. I don't think it's serious enough to be a release blocker.

I could compare the config file for MR Clunky, my new user, with that of Tom, my long-trusted friend, if only I knew which file I should look at...
Comment 15 Aurelien Oudelet 2021-02-06 16:07:42 CET
This is because Plasma 5 store default AND user's shortcut keys in dfferent files in user's directory. The following files store the keyboard shortcuts of KDE Plasma 5 and of some of its associated applications such as Konsole and KWrite.


Let me add descriptions for the files.

Standard Shortcuts (System Settings > Shortcuts)

Global Shortcuts (System Settings > Shortcuts)

"Custom Shortcuts" (System Settings > Shortcuts)

Among "Global Shortcuts", "Plasma > Activate Application Launcher Widget" is also stored in
in addition to the common

This is because "Activate Application Launcher Widget" can be also set by
Right-click "Application Launcher" > Application Launcher Settings... > Keyboard Shortcuts...........

And, Spectacle's shortcuts are set in ~/.config/kglobalshortcutsrc
where you will find this part:

ActiveWindowScreenShot=Meta+Print,Meta+Print,Capturer la fenêtre active
CurrentMonitorScreenShot=,none,Capturer le moniteur actuel
FullScreenScreenShot=Shift+Print,Shift+Print,Capturer le bureau entier
RectangularRegionScreenShot=Meta+Shift+Print,Meta+Shift+Print,Capturer une région rectangulaire
_launch=Print,Print,Lancer Spectacle

(Note that action here are "translated" to be visible in the Systemsettings > Shortcuts KCM Panel).

This is why NEWER fresh installation does not trigger the issue.

Retaining /home/username/ folder to new installation can lead to problematic issue.
Plasma's Spectacle application was written/released with Spectacle name in 2015-12-01, it was the KScreenGenie tool name before.

To look forward the issue here, an update to a package can't write to user's directory. This is not our policy, nor the scope of RPM files. Therefore, we could make a statement to ERRATA that after migrating an existing installation, an user must to look in Systemsetting > Shortcuts to correctly bind the "Print Screen" key to Spectacle Application.

So clearly this is a silly BUG for me.

Source RPM: spectacle-20.08.0-1.mga8 => spectacle-20.12.0-1.mga8.src.rpm

Comment 16 Morgan Leijström 2021-02-06 16:12:59 CET
Thanks for the investigation :)

(In reply to Aurelien Oudelet from comment #15)
> could make a statement to ERRATA that after migrating an existing
> installation, an user must to look in Systemsetting > Shortcuts to correctly
> bind the "Print Screen" key to Spectacle Application.

But per comment 7 that does not work?
Comment 17 Aurelien Oudelet 2021-02-06 16:16:21 CET
This is why I look for upstream diff/change between Mageia 7's Spectacle 19.04 shipped version to Spectacle 20.12.0 in Mageia 8...
Comment 18 Aurelien Oudelet 2021-02-06 16:28:07 CET
Yeah, change between Mageia 7 and Mageia 8:
From Spectacle 19.04 to Spectacle 20.12.0, there is this upstream commit that 

"Port to KGlobalAccel

Port to KGlobalAccel. This enables us to drop khotkeys and display a configuration
dialog inside the application. The update script correctly sets the defaults and migrates
possibly user changed shortcuts. I didn't know where to place the KActionCollection
and put it in SpectacleConfig for the moment.

FEATURE: 388592
FIXED-IN: 19.08.0

Test Plan: Shortcuts should work as before."


Something goes wrong in user directory that settings seems to not be migrated to new shortcuts mechanism.
Ping neoclust on IRC.
Comment 19 Thomas Andrews 2021-02-06 18:05:59 CET
Thanhk you for continuing to investigate this. Maybe we can still do something about it.

BTW, I've had Plasma updates change my settings several times over the years, usually in a much smaller, less disruptive way than this one. Usually, what is done is that my custom settings are changed back to the defaults, and all that needs to be done is to change them back. That doesn't work this time.

While *we* don't change user settings, I fear the friendly folks at KDE may not always adhere to the same policy.
Comment 20 Aurelien Oudelet 2021-02-06 18:10:16 CET
Yeah, that's why I pinpoint the above upstream commit that add a migration tool. Is it implemented by us? I wonder if so.
I did not look at this time our packages. I leave this for our packagers.
Comment 21 Thomas Andrews 2021-02-06 20:36:45 CET
If it is something like that, it would be much better if it were fixed before the release. Moving the priority up a notch.

Priority: Normal => High

Comment 22 Nicolas Lécureuil 2021-02-06 23:24:51 CET
(In reply to Aurelien Oudelet from comment #18)
> Yeah, change between Mageia 7 and Mageia 8:
> From Spectacle 19.04 to Spectacle 20.12.0, there is this upstream commit
> that 
> "Port to KGlobalAccel
> Summary:
> Port to KGlobalAccel. This enables us to drop khotkeys and display a
> configuration
> dialog inside the application. The update script correctly sets the defaults
> and migrates
> possibly user changed shortcuts. I didn't know where to place the
> KActionCollection
> and put it in SpectacleConfig for the moment.
> FEATURE: 388592
> FIXED-IN: 19.08.0
> Test Plan: Shortcuts should work as before."
> https://github.com/KDE/spectacle/commit/
> 1d568009f73f3b63363511eddded623f16be86bb
> Something goes wrong in user directory that settings seems to not be
> migrated to new shortcuts mechanism.
> Ping neoclust on IRC.

we already have this commit in cauldron.
Comment 23 Aurelien Oudelet 2021-02-06 23:34:32 CET
(In reply to Nicolas Lécureuil from comment #22)
> we already have this commit in cauldron.

Yeah, but this doesn't explain why settings are not migrated to new location.
Will test this next days.
Comment 24 Morgan Leijström 2021-02-10 20:31:42 CET
Added a link in errata to here.

Keywords: 8beta1, FOR_RELEASENOTES8 => 8rc1, IN_ERRATA8

Comment 25 Morgan Leijström 2021-02-22 18:58:36 CET
Any news to add to Errata?
Comment 26 Thomas Andrews 2021-03-02 00:52:31 CET
Spectacle was updated since my last post.

Just tried setting the shortcut key from within the Spectacle gui. Click on "configure"/"shortcuts"/"launch Spectacle" and you see that it is set to "custom." Check the box for "default" (Print screen) and a popup says it's already assigned to system screenshot utility and wants to know if you want to reassign it. Choosing "yes" does the reassignment.

Morgan, you might want to add something like that to Errata.
Comment 27 Morgan Leijström 2021-03-02 02:01:56 CET
Thank you Thomas, added :)

...and right now i realised i got it from updates *testing* repo.

Apparently it work, so: please ship it out ASAP
Comment 28 Aurelien Oudelet 2021-03-02 07:48:06 CET
(In reply to Morgan Leijström from comment #27)
> Thank you Thomas, added :)
> ...and right now i realised i got it from updates *testing* repo.
> Apparently it work, so: please ship it out ASAP

It is in 8/updates_testing because of a rebuild for Imagemmagick package security update. Not for this bug.
Nevertheless, installing a Plasma Desktop from M8 CI or Live ISO, Spectacle is correctly binded to Print Screen Keyboard Key.

But, on upgrade from M7, the shortcut COULD NOT be carried over the update because upstream Plasma Workspace Developers have totally rewritten the System settings Panel named "Shortcuts" and it is possible that previous settings have not been saved. But, this is also possible that, on such systems, other screenshot tools are installed, so the Plasma script that updates settings can't choose... (That's explications I'm told on IRC with upstream devs).
Comment 29 Morgan Leijström 2021-03-02 09:05:34 CET
Maybe the update of spectacle is not needed, for this bug?
- Just the procedure in comment 26 is needed?

If so we can close this as resolved...
Hmm i miss a resolution meaning "workaround described".

Side note ther emay be lik eon my Dell M4400 that it does not printscreen key anyway, final Live ISO Plasma, i suspect it is something about keyboard special key mapping.

Keywords: 8rc1 => 8final

Comment 30 Thomas Andrews 2021-03-02 14:56:03 CET
(In reply to Morgan Leijström from comment #27)
> Thank you Thomas, added :)
> ...and right now i realised i got it from updates *testing* repo.
> Apparently it work, so: please ship it out ASAP

The one I was talking about is 20.12.0-2 and was pushed shortly before the final was released. If there's one in updates_testing, I haven't tried it.

>If so we can close this as resolved...
>Hmm i miss a resolution meaning "workaround described".

I know what you mean. The closest is "WORKSFORME" but that's not quite right, is it? To me, that implies no action by the user is needed.
Comment 31 Morgan Leijström 2021-03-02 15:37:29 CET
Actually the bug is missing migration support by KDE folks, something we will not try to fix.

But only an easy and logical action is needed and easy (when he know)
No update required for that, IIUC.
Updated Errata so.

Status comment: (none) => Easy fix noted in Errata
Resolution: (none) => WONTFIX

Comment 32 Morgan Leijström 2021-03-02 15:38:35 CET
(when he know) => (when user know)
Comment 33 Barry Jackson 2021-04-14 19:31:03 CEST
For me on a laptop recently upgraded from Mga7, systemsettings was already set to 'print' not custom but there is no GUI displayed for spectacle.

In journal when hitting PrtScn I see:

Apr 14 18:08:21 leno systemd[3704]: Starting Spectacle screenshot capture utility...
Apr 14 18:08:21 leno systemd[3704]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.

...but there is no GUI to be found.

Looking at processes I see:

[baz@leno ~]$ ps ax|grep spect
   9205 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/bin/spectacle --dbus

If I kill that process, then in journal I see:

Apr 14 18:23:18 leno systemd[3704]: app-org.kde.spectacle.service: Succeeded.

Any ideas?

Resolution: WONTFIX => (none)

Comment 34 Dave Hodgins 2021-04-14 22:57:40 CEST
updated with procedure tested on one of my upgraded installs ...

Manual fix: Launch Spectacle, press Configure -> Shortcuts. For each of the entries "Capture Active Window, Capture Entire Desktop, Capture Rectangualr Region, and Launch Spectacle. Change the setting from "Custom" to "Default", and confirm in the popup asking to reassign.

Barry, please re-close after confirming this works on your system.

CC: (none) => davidwhodgins

Comment 35 Dave Hodgins 2021-04-14 23:00:17 CEST
Spelling of Rectangular fixed in wiki entry. :-)
Comment 36 Barry Jackson 2021-04-15 01:36:06 CEST
(In reply to Dave Hodgins from comment #34)
> https://wiki.mageia.org/mw-en/index.
> php?title=Mageia_8_Errata&action=edit&section=12
> updated with procedure tested on one of my upgraded installs ...
> Manual fix: Launch Spectacle, press Configure -> Shortcuts. For each of the
> entries "Capture Active Window, Capture Entire Desktop, Capture Rectangualr
> Region, and Launch Spectacle. Change the setting from "Custom" to "Default",
> and confirm in the popup asking to reassign.

No this is still broken.

Doing the above does allow the Shift+Print, Shift+Meta+Print and Meta+Print to work, but Print on it's own still does nothing.

On my desktop which had a fresh install of Mga8 (using old home) the Print key does work as expected and in journal I see:

Apr 15 00:17:35 jackodesktop systemd[11008]: Started Spectacle screenshot capture utility.
Apr 15 00:17:38 jackodesktop systemd[11008]: app-org.kde.spectacle.service: Succeeded.
...and the process is:
 135453 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/bin/spectacle

..on the non-working laptop the process was (in #33):
   9205 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/bin/spectacle --dbus

I just found this:
Comment 37 Barry Jackson 2021-04-15 15:57:20 CEST
It's finally working for me at last!

The problem was as described in the bug report here:


Removing $HOME/.local/share/kglobalaccel/org.kde.spectacle.desktop fixed it.

I will add this to the errata.

Is there any way that this and similar out of date local .desktop files could have been cleared during upgrade to avoid these issues?
Comment 38 Aurelien Oudelet 2021-04-15 16:08:33 CEST
(In reply to Barry Jackson from comment #37)
> It's finally working for me at last!
> The problem was as described in the bug report here:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=429634#c5
> Removing $HOME/.local/share/kglobalaccel/org.kde.spectacle.desktop fixed it.
> I will add this to the errata.
> Is there any way that this and similar out of date local .desktop files
> could have been cleared during upgrade to avoid these issues?

Sadly, out policy is to not touch user settings and files under ~/ their home profile.

So, as long as the "fix" is manual, it should be documented.

Also, upstream bugzilla has sentences about missing handling from their part. We can simply complain to them.

Closing. Feel free to reopen.

Resolution: (none) => WORKSFORME

Comment 39 Barry Jackson 2021-04-15 16:25:07 CEST
Added to errata so closing .

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