Bug 26445 - python-bleach new security issue CVE-2020-6817
Summary: python-bleach new security issue CVE-2020-6817
Alias: None
Product: Mageia
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Security (show other bugs)
Version: 7
Hardware: All Linux
Priority: Normal normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: QA Team
QA Contact: Sec team
Whiteboard: MGA7-64-OK
Keywords: advisory, validated_update
Depends on:
Blocks: 26379
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2020-04-06 22:38 CEST by David Walser
Modified: 2020-04-20 16:03 CEST (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Source RPM: python-bleach-3.1.2-1.mga7.src.rpm
CVE: CVE-2020-6817
Status comment:


Description David Walser 2020-04-06 22:38:53 CEST
Debian has issued an advisory on April 1:

The issue is fixed upstream in 3.1.4.

Mageia 7 is also affected.
David Walser 2020-04-06 22:39:14 CEST

Whiteboard: (none) => MGA7TOO
Status comment: (none) => Fixed upstream in 3.1.4
Blocks: (none) => 26379

Comment 1 Nicolas Salguero 2020-04-07 09:46:40 CEST
Suggested advisory:

The updated packages fix security vulnerabilities:

In Mozilla Bleach before 3.12, a mutation XSS in bleach.clean when RCDATA and either svg or math tags are whitelisted and the keyword argument strip=False. (CVE-2020-6816)

Regular expression denial of service. (CVE-2020-6817)


Updated packages in core/updates_testing:

from SRPMS:

Whiteboard: MGA7TOO => (none)
Assignee: nicolas.salguero => qa-bugs
Status comment: Fixed upstream in 3.1.4 => (none)
Version: Cauldron => 7
CVE: (none) => CVE-2020-6817

Comment 2 Len Lawrence 2020-04-09 13:18:07 CEST
mga7, x86_64

Clean update.
Had no real idea how to test this but browsed the examples at https://www.programcreek.com/python/example/60247/bleach.clean

Installed python-flask and butchered one of the examples to produce this and ran it under python2.
import flask, bleach

def test_style_hang( ):
    """The sanitizer should not hang on any inline styles"""
    # TODO: Neaten this up. It's copypasta from MDN/Kuma to repro the bug
    style = ("""margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 1.286em; """
             """margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 15px; padding-right: 15px; """
             """padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; border-top-width: """
             """1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; """
             """border-left-width: 1px; border-top-style: dotted; """
             """border-right-style: dotted; border-bottom-style: dotted; """
             """border-left-style: dotted; border-top-color: rgb(203, 200, """
             """185); border-right-color: rgb(203, 200, 185); """
             """border-bottom-color: rgb(203, 200, 185); border-left-color: """
             """rgb(203, 200, 185); background-image: initial; """
             """background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; """
             """background-clip: initial; background-color: """
             """rgb(246, 246, 242); overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: auto; """
             """font: normal normal normal 100%/normal 'Courier New', """
             """'Andale Mono', monospace; background-position: initial """
             """initial; background-repeat: initial initial;""")
    html = '<p style="{0!s}">Hello world</p>'.format(style)
    styles = [
        'border', 'float', 'overflow', 'min-height', 'vertical-align',
        'margin', 'margin-left', 'margin-top', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-right',
        'padding', 'padding-left', 'padding-top', 'padding-bottom',
        'font', 'font-size', 'font-weight', 'text-align', 'text-transform',

    expected = ("""<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; """
                """margin-bottom: 1.286em; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: """
                """15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; """
                """padding-left: 15px; background-color: """
                """rgb(246, 246, 242); font: normal normal normal """
                """100%/normal 'Courier New', 'Andale Mono', monospace;">"""
                """Hello world</p>""")
    print( expected )

    result = bleach.clean( html, styles=styles )

print( test_style_hang( ) )
$ python style.py
<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 1.286em; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; background-color: rgb(246, 246, 242); font: normal normal normal 100%/normal 'Courier New', 'Andale Mono', monospace;">Hello world</p>

The "None" should probably have been the same as the style section but what do I know?

CC: (none) => tarazed25

Comment 3 Len Lawrence 2020-04-09 13:29:30 CEST
And it looks like python-flask is not needed for this script.
Tried python3 as well - same null result.
Comment 4 Herman Viaene 2020-04-10 10:44:03 CEST
@ Len
The way I  read the examples is the following: all these examples define some fucntions using bleach.
So, in order to get something readable out of it, you would need some html coded page that calls on one of these functions.
And that's beyond me.

CC: (none) => herman.viaene

Comment 5 Len Lawrence 2020-04-10 12:18:10 CEST
@Herman, replying to comment 4.  
Yes, that is correct.  The example quoted above creates its own html stanza and pushes it through a filter, a bit like and AND operation.  What should come out the other end is a reduced html text without the styles listed but instead it comes out with a blank page.  In some of the other examples my backup bookmarks.html file was used.  Most, if not all of the examples use functions like eq_ which is an assert used in unit testing, a framework which needs to be set up.  Have no clue about that.  All we can do is replace eq_ by a print statement showing what the result should be or look like and then print out the actual result for visual comparison - a tedious process.
Comment 6 Len Lawrence 2020-04-10 12:25:04 CEST
Addendum to comment 5:
And the argument to python.bleach needs to be actual HTML text so if a file is  to be used it must first be read in as a string, something I need to read up on.  As said, not a python programmer.
Comment 7 Len Lawrence 2020-04-10 12:43:54 CEST
Further to that a rearrangement of the printouts seemed to show that bleach was doing nothing so there is probably something that I am missing.

End section of script now looks like this:
    print( expected )
    print( "=======================================================" )
    result = bleach.clean( html, styles=styles )
    print( result )
test_style_hang( )

$ python style.py
<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 1.286em; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; background-color: rgb(246, 246, 242); font: normal normal normal 100%/normal 'Courier New', 'Andale Mono', monospace;">Hello world</p>
&lt;p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 1.286em; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; border-top-style: dotted; border-right-style: dotted; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: dotted; border-top-color: rgb(203, 200, 185); border-right-color: rgb(203, 200, 185); border-bottom-color: rgb(203, 200, 185); border-left-color: rgb(203, 200, 185); background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: rgb(246, 246, 242); overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: auto; font: normal normal normal 100%/normal 'Courier New', 'Andale Mono', monospace; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;"&gt;Hello world&lt;/p&gt;
Len Lawrence 2020-04-14 08:48:51 CEST

Keywords: (none) => feedback

Comment 8 Len Lawrence 2020-04-19 12:36:38 CEST
In the absence of any python experts to check the code in the examples all we can do is run an application listed in `urpmq --whatrequires python3-bleach`.  One of those is jupyter-notebook.  Installed that and ran it from the command-line under strace.  It works well as a browser within a browser, allowing the user to edit text files in the browser, play some music and video files, view images and anything text-based.  However, it is impossible to tell from a trace whether bleach is used because it is not a library, just a programming tool.  Giving this a pass on the basis of a clean install and verification that python3 application which requires it does work, for python3 anyway.  Removing feedback marker.

Keywords: feedback => (none)
Whiteboard: (none) => MGA7-64-OK

Comment 9 Thomas Andrews 2020-04-20 00:22:48 CEST
Thank you for your efforts, Len.

Validating. Advisory in Comment 1.

CC: (none) => andrewsfarm, sysadmin-bugs
Keywords: (none) => validated_update

Comment 10 Dave Hodgins 2020-04-20 01:26:56 CEST
Advisory committed to svn

Keywords: (none) => advisory
CC: (none) => davidwhodgins

Comment 11 Mageia Robot 2020-04-20 16:03:45 CEST
An update for this issue has been pushed to the Mageia Updates repository.


Resolution: (none) => FIXED

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