Markreleases for mga1 are done for the cauldron tree, causing changelogs for cauldron releases to be grouped according to submissions of mga1 updates_testing: $ mgarepo rpmlog -s apache * Thu Sep 01 2011 guillomovitch <guillomovitch> 2.2.20-1.mga2 + Revision: 137516 - add missing LSB headers to htcacheclean init script * Wed Aug 31 2011 guillomovitch <guillomovitch> 2.2.17-5.1.mga1 + Revision: 137231 - new version - drop suexec PATH patch [...] While in fact all of the above commit lines belong to 2.2.20-1.mga2, and there has been no 2.2.17-5.1.mga1 release in this tree at all. The steps needed to fix this are: 1) disable markrelease on these submits 2) propedit the wrong markreleases (look for post-final mga1 markreleases in cauldron tree) to have invalid log msgs so that mgarepo will ignore them 3) make the youri action run markrelease in the originating tree instead of cauldron, or add making markrelease to the final update move (from _testing to updates) script
CC: (none) => jani.valimaa
CC: (none) => boklmBlocks: (none) => 858
markrelease was disabled (as per (1) above) a few months ago by boklm: I'm now looking into removing the wrong entries from /svn/packages/cauldron/foo/releases/bar and propediting the %repsys commits, so that the affected changelogs will be fixed.
Now done (233 wrong entries were propedited and rm'd). Closing this one, and opened bug #3666 for the wrong changelogs in stable updates.
Status: NEW => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => FIXED
CC: boklm => (none)