Bug 25551 - Nextcloud client update 2.6.1 (KDE quirk now mitigated in latest server)
Summary: Nextcloud client update 2.6.1 (KDE quirk now mitigated in latest server)
Alias: None
Product: Mageia
Classification: Unclassified
Component: RPM Packages (show other bugs)
Version: 7
Hardware: All Linux
Priority: Normal normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: QA Team
QA Contact:
URL: https://github.com/nextcloud/desktop/...
Whiteboard: MGA7-64-OK MGA7-32-OK
Keywords: advisory, validated_update
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-10-12 20:57 CEST by Morgan Leijström
Modified: 2020-11-03 18:28 CET (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Source RPM: nextcloud-client-2.6.0-1.mga7.src.rpm
Status comment:

crashed after fiddling with removing readding server endtoend encrypted (3.50 KB, text/plain)
2019-10-14 01:52 CEST, Morgan Leijström
v 2.6.0 with OwnCube Free client setup login v2 token fail (38.57 KB, image/png)
2019-10-14 13:01 CEST, Morgan Leijström

Description Morgan Leijström 2019-10-12 20:57:17 CEST
Description of problem:

We have version 2.5.2git (according to its GUI)

2.6.0 bugfix release v2.6.0-fix1 was released 7 days ago.

Morgan Leijström 2019-10-12 20:57:46 CEST

CC: (none) => lists.jjorge

Comment 1 José Jorge 2019-10-13 09:45:21 CEST
Version 2.6.0 pushed to testing.
Comment 2 José Jorge 2019-10-13 12:25:43 CEST
Suggested advisory :
Mageia 7 came with a release candidate version of nextcloud-client. This update brings an official upstream release, with some bug fixes.





Comment 3 Morgan Leijström 2019-10-14 00:54:32 CEST
Probably OK;

It works well with my hired account at https://tribun.cloud/
This is Nextcloud 15.

But with the free non-admin account at same vendor: https://cloud.owncube.com, when configuring the client app and it launches Firefox for authentication when defining a new server to connect to, but server replies the log in token is not OK or have expired.  I believe this runs Nextcloud 17, maybe 16.

Maybe a transient problem at vendor - I have sent them a ticket and will try again tomorrow.

I have no NC server i run myself currently.
Comment 4 Morgan Leijström 2019-10-14 01:52:19 CEST
Created attachment 11314 [details]
crashed after fiddling with removing readding server endtoend encrypted

I had started it in konsole.

Here is output after it crashed after i fiddled with removing and readding server and endtoend encryption.
Comment 5 José Jorge 2019-10-14 08:54:05 CEST
(In reply to Morgan Leijström from comment #3)

> Maybe a transient problem at vendor - I have sent them a ticket and will try
> again tomorrow.

Another way to ensure this is not a regression, you can downgrade to the previous client, and see if the problem is still there.
Comment 6 Lewis Smith 2019-10-14 11:04:33 CEST
Thank you José for handling this.
Assigning it to neoclust as the registered NextCloud maintainer, just for the form.

Assignee: bugsquad => mageia

Comment 7 José Jorge 2019-10-14 11:29:11 CEST
Tested with an i586 system, all ok.
Comment 8 Morgan Leijström 2019-10-14 13:01:16 CEST
Created attachment 11315 [details]
v 2.6.0 with OwnCube Free client setup login v2 token fail

Somehow it is a regression: after downgrade to our 2.5.2, i can configure the client for https://cloud.owncube.com/ again.

Can someone else verify?
You do not have to have an account.
Just in the client try to add a server, enter https://cloud.owncube.com/ and your browser is supposed to launch a page where you can enter user name and password.

When i use client 2.6.0, i get login token fail, see attached shreenshot

In client log i see: [OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError "Error transferring https://cloud.owncube.com/login/v2/poll - server replied: " QVariant(int, 404)

First i think it is not problem with packaging, but some server side incompatibility.  But that too is strange as OwnCube have many customers and 2.6.0 is the recommended client version...

I am corresponding with OwnCube support about this.
That server runs NC17, APACHE/NGINX, MYSQL, PHP7.x.
Comment 9 Morgan Leijström 2019-10-14 17:32:39 CEST
Packaging: I think there should be an exact version dependency between the packages?
- It is possible now to i.e forget to update the libs. 


Android app: I can log in using my FP2 FPOpen Android phone with NextCloud app.


Reply from OwnCube support:
1. check my reply. test a other device, network....
2. there are more than 2838411 logins DAILY from other users without any issue
3. we tested 24 accounts on 12 devices in 8 networks and we cant reproduce this

And i thanked them for testing


I updated the server at https://tribun.cloud/ from v15 to v17, and now our packaged client -2.6.0-1.mga7 fail to register at both sites...


Is it just some quirk in my system?

- so please test if you too have problem or not with the test in comment 8: in client select to add server, and point it to https://tribun.cloud/ or https://cloud.owncube.com/
Comment 10 Morgan Leijström 2019-10-14 17:42:31 CEST
Minor note: When updating from 2.5.2 to 2.6.0, the client get set to autostart, even when i did not have the previous version to autostart.  I guess most people want it to autostart, so OK (but not me)
Comment 11 José Jorge 2019-10-14 17:49:12 CEST
(In reply to Morgan Leijström from comment #9)
> Packaging: I think there should be an exact version dependency between the
> packages?
> - It is possible now to i.e forget to update the libs. 

It would be too much work. Only testers get this problem, mageiaupdate picks everything.

> - so please test if you too have problem or not with the test in comment 8:
> in client select to add server, and point it to https://tribun.cloud/ or
> https://cloud.owncube.com/

I could point, and nextcloud client opened a firefox window. All seems ok, even if I don't have an account @tribun.cloud or owncube.
Comment 12 Lewis Smith 2019-10-14 20:38:50 CEST
In the light of comment 1, comment 2, which I managed to overlook, this should have been assigned directly to QA, and not to Nicolas at all. Sorry for angst.

Assignee: mageia => qa-bugs

Comment 13 Morgan Leijström 2019-10-15 01:07:58 CEST
Ah, i hit a *known problem*: https://github.com/nextcloud/desktop/issues/1412

IIUC, the problem comes from Plasma issuing an extra GET command before sending it to browser - so the token is already used when the browser opens the page...

* So it is trigged by client 2.6.0 + NC>=16 (new login flow) + KDE Plasma *

@José: I guess you use another DE than Plasma?


Description of the new login flow:


  Workarounds;  1, 2, 3 works for me, but 4 NOT.

1) Use something else than Plasma; Under xfce it works for me too :)
Once an account is configured, the client works for that account in Plasma too.

2) set up the account using our old client version 2.5.2

3) set KDE to use a specific browser - so it do not send a GET first to see what contents come back and then choose application.
See https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18538456/66551603-15f41080-eb48-11e9-94c3-5c15deecbe52.png

4) Launch the client from terminal, where you have first unset KDE variables
** BUT: This did NOT work for me!! **


So I would say that as a program it is validated OK

But: as most Mageia users use Plasma IMO we should add something about this bug in the advisory at least. And optimally some upgrade info that pops up at install/upgrade.

Something like: 

"This version 2.6.0 together with Nextcloud servers 16+ reveal a problem in combination with Plasma.  If you have problems connecting to a new server, see https://github.com/nextcloud/desktop/issues/1412#issuecomment-540458549, https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25551#c13

Summary: Nextcloud client update request => Nextcloud client update 2.6.0 - with known quirk in Plasma

Comment 14 Morgan Leijström 2019-10-15 01:15:51 CEST
Hm yes method 3 have the odd side effect that each time the client is started, it need to launch the web page.  User do not have to enter credentials, just press a button.
Comment 15 Morgan Leijström 2019-10-15 01:45:36 CEST
(In reply to Morgan Leijström from comment #14)
> Hm yes method 3 have the odd side effect that each time the client is
> started, it need to launch the web page.  User do not have to enter
> credentials, just press a button.

No just once more, or glitchy.  Go figure.
Comment 16 Brian Rockwell 2019-11-01 17:17:06 CET
In my case I set up a Nextcloud 13 server locally

Then installed the client:

The following 22 packages are going to be installed:

- lib64cloudproviders0-0.3.0-2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64gnome-keyring0-3.12.0-11.mga7.x86_64
- lib64minizip1-1.2.11-7.mga7.x86_64
- lib64nextcloudsync0-2.6.0-1.mga7.x86_64
- lib64ocsync0-2.6.0-1.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5keychain1-0.9.1-2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5positioning5-5.12.2-2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5printsupport5-5.12.2-2.2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5quickwidgets5-5.12.2-2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5sensors5-5.12.2-2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5webchannel5-5.12.2-2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5webengine5-5.12.2-2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5webenginecore5-5.12.2-2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5webenginewidgets5-5.12.2-2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5webkit5-5.212.0-1.alpha2.24.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5webkitwidgets5-5.212.0-1.alpha2.24.mga7.x86_64
- lib64qt5xml5-5.12.2-2.2.mga7.x86_64
- lib64re2_0-20190401-1.mga7.x86_64
- lib64snappy1-1.1.7-2.mga7.x86_64
- libgnome-keyring-i18n-3.12.0-11.mga7.noarch
- nextcloud-client-2.6.0-1.mga7.x86_64
- qtwebengine5-5.12.2-2.mga7.x86_64

189MB of additional disk space will be used.

50MB of packages will be retrieved.

Is it ok to continue?


Did the configuration and it is working perfectly.

Should this be Okayed or not?

CC: (none) => brtians1

Comment 17 Morgan Leijström 2019-11-01 18:32:59 CET
There is this issue i described in comment 13: with plasma default which we keep, the new login used in this client does not work, except if user do a workaround.

I if possible, i would like that user get informed of that during update to and install of client 2.6.0

Assignee: qa-bugs => lists.jjorge
Keywords: (none) => feedback

Comment 18 Brian Rockwell 2019-11-01 19:39:53 CET
I wonder if there is a fix.

José - 2.6.0 still looks like the latest, are there any updates.

Morgan - I tried scenario to connect to owncube and it was able to work.

It opened the browser and linked the client.  This may be a conflict between the older client's hidden config file and the 2.6 config files.

Also - I'm running gnome on this machine.
Comment 19 Morgan Leijström 2019-11-01 19:47:14 CET
Yes, the problem is with default behaviour of ** KDE Plasma **

By default it intercepts calls to internet to figure out what program to handle it, and in the process the one time token get used before the web browser is launched.  Workaround is described in 3) in comment 13.
Easy ** when you know it **.

And as Plasma is the most used DE on Mageia i think the workaround should be shown to users.
Comment 20 Brian Rockwell 2019-11-01 22:01:11 CET
I agree - that should definitely be linked to.

However, I just did it on my plasma entity without issue (but it could be an oddball).
Comment 21 Morgan Leijström 2019-11-11 12:03:39 CET
Now there is a mitigation in latest NextCloud *servers* around the KDE issue.

At november 9 both the latest point release of the server 16 and 17 got released with that implemented:
NC16.0.6 : https://github.com/nextcloud/server/pull/17689
NC17.0.1 : https://github.com/nextcloud/server/pull/17626

So IMO we can release this client is, - iff we at least provide those server dot releases ourselves in Mageia.  Meaning we can say admins should update to latest point release (as always) but to say that we should provide latest version uåourselves...

However, there now is a client version 2.6.1 released with a couple of other important fixes, so IMO we should try to provide that client version directly.

Keywords: feedback => (none)
Source RPM: nextcloud-client-2.5.2-0.rc1.3.mga7.src.rpm => nextcloud-client-2.6.0-1.mga7.src.rpm
Summary: Nextcloud client update 2.6.0 - with known quirk in Plasma => Nextcloud client update 2.6.1 (KDE quirk now mitigated in latest server)

Comment 22 Morgan Leijström 2019-11-11 12:05:03 CET
I can test 2.6.1 in use.
Comment 23 José Jorge 2019-11-11 12:13:29 CET
They are so fun, they released the bugfix 15.0.13 version without applygin this patch. As always, we will only provide version 16.x as a backport, as it would break both our updates policy and upgrading from MGA6.

So for now, let's try to get this update pushed with client version 2.6.1 :

Suggested advisory :
Mageia 7 came with a release candidate version of nextcloud-client. This update brings an official upstream release, with some bug fixes.



Comment 24 Morgan Leijström 2019-11-11 14:45:44 CET
(In reply to José Jorge from comment #23)
> So for now, let's try to get this update pushed with client version 2.6.1 :
> SRPM :
> nextcloud-client-2.6.0-1.mga7.srpm

Yes i forgot we are on old NC15...

You confuse me:

Do you intend to make 2.6.1 soonish for testing or do I OK this for 2.6.0 ?
Comment 25 José Jorge 2019-11-11 18:14:56 CET
You're right my rpms list was not updated. It is really the version 2.6.1 which is now in the testing medias, please test it.

Suggested advisory :
Mageia 7 came with a release candidate version of nextcloud-client. This update brings an official upstream release, with some bug fixes.



peter winterflood 2019-11-11 19:02:13 CET

CC: (none) => peter.winterflood

Comment 26 Morgan Leijström 2019-11-11 20:30:32 CET
Thank you
2.6.1 updated and launced OK, will use it for a while and report.

(In reply to Morgan Leijström from comment #21)
> Now there is a mitigation in latest NextCloud *servers* around the KDE issue.
> we should provide latest version uåourselves...

(In reply to José Jorge from comment #23)
> They are so fun, they released the bugfix 15.0.13 version without applygin
> this patch.

Ahh!  That is because the problem never existed in NC15 - Loginflow v2 got introduced in NC16...

Comment 27 peter winterflood 2019-11-13 11:14:33 CET
I have updated via the testing repo, and it is working with no problems at all.
regards peter
Comment 28 Morgan Leijström 2019-11-14 01:33:20 CET
Upgraded to 1.6.1 and it is humming along here too, no regressions noted.

Tested to remove and readd account, add folders and sync.

I also tested the integration with dolphin OK. (showing sync status by icons on file icons, and right click menu)

Not tested integrations to nautilus, nemo, caja.  As integrations are not fatal i OK it and if any issue arise bugs can be opened.  We really need to ship 1.6.x!

Keywords: (none) => validated_update
Whiteboard: (none) => MGA7-64-OK
CC: (none) => sysadmin-bugs

Comment 29 José Jorge 2019-11-20 18:10:20 CET
Assigning back to QA as it can now be pushed.

Assignee: lists.jjorge => qa-bugs

Comment 30 Morgan Leijström 2019-11-24 21:29:00 CET
José, why is the rpms list ".aarch64.rpm" ...only?
Comment 31 José Jorge 2019-11-25 09:32:13 CET
(In reply to Morgan Leijström from comment #30)
> José, why is the rpms list ".aarch64.rpm" ...only?

Well, you never asked why it was i586 or x86_64 only ;-)
The RPMS list is only here to ensure one subpackage is not forgotten, the arch is not important.
Comment 32 José Jorge 2019-11-25 09:37:46 CET
Using it for one week in my 32 bit laptop...

Whiteboard: MGA7-64-OK => MGA7-64-OK MGA7-32-OK

Thomas Backlund 2019-11-30 12:58:36 CET

Keywords: (none) => advisory
CC: (none) => tmb

Comment 33 Mageia Robot 2019-11-30 14:07:23 CET
An update for this issue has been pushed to the Mageia Updates repository.


Resolution: (none) => FIXED

Comment 34 peter winterflood 2020-11-03 17:57:12 CET
Could i ask that we spawn a new version of this update request.
the latest version in mageia 7 no longer supports next cloud server 19.
although you can login, via the web link, no sync works at the directory level.
you will just see a grey cloud and a refusal to login.

regards peter
Comment 35 Morgan Leijström 2020-11-03 18:18:36 CET
Bug 27380 - Update nextcloud-client to 3.0.2
Comment 36 Morgan Leijström 2020-11-03 18:28:43 CET
Peter, could you test that version in updates testing and report back in that bug?

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.