Voxelands is a multiplayer game, and as such needs a recent version to play on public servers with players from other distros/platforms. Advisory: ========= Updated voxelands package brings latest stable release This update provides the latest stable release of Voxelands, enabling users to join public multiplayer servers which require this version. Please see the linked release announcement for more details about new features and bug fixes. References: - https://forum.voxelands.com/viewtopic.php?id=876 RPMs in core/updates_testing: ============================= voxelands-1709.00-1.mga6 SRPMs in core/updates_testing: ============================== voxelands-1709.00-1.mga6
Advisory uploaded.
Keywords: (none) => advisory
Tested ok mga6 32. Connected to one of the multiplayer servers, spun around in circles and quit.
Keywords: (none) => has_procedureWhiteboard: (none) => mga6-32-ok
Thanks for your test & the advisory, Claire. Good for validation in present charged circumstances. (I removed 'has procedure' because I could see no sign of nor reference to it; this looks like the first bug for this pkg).
Keywords: has_procedure => validated_updateCC: (none) => sysadmin-bugs
An update for this issue has been pushed to the Mageia Updates repository. https://advisories.mageia.org/MGAA-2018-0050.html
Resolution: (none) => FIXEDStatus: NEW => RESOLVED