Advisory: =================================== Updated appstream package for supporting Plasma 5 update. To support updating appstream, the meson, glib2.0, and gobject-introspection packages have been updated. Updated packages in core/updates_testing: ======================== meson-0.44.0-1.mga6 appstream-0.11.8-1.mga6 libappstream4-0.11.8-1.mga6 libappstream-gir1.0-0.11.8-1.mga6 libappstream-devel-0.11.8-1.mga6 libappstreamqt2-0.11.8-1.mga6 libappstreamqt-devel-0.11.8-1.mga6 appstream-vala-0.11.8-1.mga6 glib2.0-common-2.54.3-1.mga6 libglib2.0_0-2.54.3-1.mga6 libgio2.0_0-2.54.3-1.mga6 libglib2.0-devel-2.54.3-1.mga6 libglib2.0-static-devel-2.54.3-1.mga6 glib-gettextize-2.54.3-1.mga6 gobject-introspection-1.54.1-1.mga6 libgirepository1.0_1-1.54.1-1.mga6 libglib-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libdbus-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libdbusglib-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libgirepository-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libgl-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libcairo-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libfontconfig-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libfreetype-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libxml2-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libxfixes-gir4.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libxft-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libxlib-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libxrandr-gir1.3-1.54.1-1.mga6 libwin32-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libgirepository-devel-1.54.1-1.mga6 from SRPMS: meson-0.44.0-1.mga6.src.rpm appstream-0.11.8-1.mga6.src.rpm glib2.0-2.54.3-1.mga6.src.rpm gobject-introspection-1.54.1-1.mga6.src.rpm
Blocks: (none) => 22659
Advisory: =================================== Updated appstream package for supporting Plasma 5 update. To support updating appstream, the meson, glib2.0, and gobject-introspection packages have been updated. Updated packages in core/updates_testing: ======================== meson-0.44.0-1.mga6 appstream-0.11.8-1.mga6 libappstream4-0.11.8-1.mga6 libappstream-gir1.0-0.11.8-1.mga6 libappstream-devel-0.11.8-1.mga6 libappstreamqt2-0.11.8-1.mga6 libappstreamqt-devel-0.11.8-1.mga6 lib64appstream4-0.11.8-1.mga6 lib64appstream-gir1.0-0.11.8-1.mga6 lib64appstream-devel-0.11.8-1.mga6 lib64appstreamqt2-0.11.8-1.mga6 lib64appstreamqt-devel-0.11.8-1.mga6 appstream-vala-0.11.8-1.mga6 glib2.0-common-2.54.3-1.mga6 libglib2.0_0-2.54.3-1.mga6 libgio2.0_0-2.54.3-1.mga6 libglib2.0-devel-2.54.3-1.mga6 libglib2.0-static-devel-2.54.3-1.mga6 lib64glib2.0_0-2.54.3-1.mga6 lib64gio2.0_0-2.54.3-1.mga6 lib64glib2.0-devel-2.54.3-1.mga6 lib64glib2.0-static-devel-2.54.3-1.mga6 glib-gettextize-2.54.3-1.mga6 gobject-introspection-1.54.1-1.mga6 libgirepository1.0_1-1.54.1-1.mga6 libglib-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libdbus-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libdbusglib-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libgirepository-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libgl-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libcairo-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libfontconfig-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libfreetype-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libxml2-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libxfixes-gir4.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libxft-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libxlib-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libxrandr-gir1.3-1.54.1-1.mga6 libwin32-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 libgirepository-devel-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64girepository1.0_1-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64glib-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64dbus-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64dbusglib-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64girepository-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64gl-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64cairo-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64fontconfig-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64freetype-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64xml2-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64xfixes-gir4.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64xft-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64xlib-gir2.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64xrandr-gir1.3-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64win32-gir1.0-1.54.1-1.mga6 lib64girepository-devel-1.54.1-1.mga6 from SRPMS: meson-0.44.0-1.mga6.src.rpm appstream-0.11.8-1.mga6.src.rpm glib2.0-2.54.3-1.mga6.src.rpm gobject-introspection-1.54.1-1.mga6.src.rpm
Blocks: (none) => 22656
Installed on Mageia 6 x86_64 together with the Qt5/Plasma5 update. Installs fine, but I haven't tested actual features covered by those packages yet.
I installed these packages as part of the QT/kf5/Plasma update, on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. All packages installed cleanly. I do not know how to test any of these, but as Plasma 5.12.2 seems to be very stable with them installed, and no one has reported any problems with them, I'm going to give them OKs.
CC: (none) => andrewsfarmWhiteboard: (none) => MGA6-64-OK MGA6-32-OK
I have found that glib2 update makes libreoffice hunger 100% CPU as soon as it is opened. We cannot push such an update as is, or we'll have end users drying battery on very common usecase : type text in oowriter.
Whiteboard: MGA6-64-OK MGA6-32-OK => (none)CC: (none) => lists.jjorge
Keywords: (none) => feedback
CCing Neal as he may debug it faster than me ;-)
CC: (none) => ngompa13
Some of these packages, as well as several others from the Plasma/QT/etc updates have been presented to my 32-bit Xfce install. (Athlon X2, 8GB, nvidia340 graphics, server kernel) Possibly because I have some Plasma apps installed, possibly for other reasons - I don't know. After updating everything involved with Plasma except for glib2 and other packages with version 2.54.3, I rebooted and tried starting an empty Libreoffice Writer. The Xfce panel app reported minimal cpu usage. After getting the 2.54.3 packages, I ran an empty Libreoffice Writer again. This time, the panel app is reporting that Libreoffice is using a steady 50% of the cpu. So, it would appear that this problem will be affecting more than just Plasma users.
(In reply to Thomas Andrews from comment #6) > After getting the 2.54.3 packages, I ran an empty Libreoffice Writer again. > This time, the panel app is reporting that Libreoffice is using a steady 50% > of the cpu. This is because you have 2 CPU cores, and the panel app reports them cumulated. This bug uses 100% of one cpu core, so yes it is only 12,5% in an octocore ;-) > > So, it would appear that this problem will be affecting more than just > Plasma users. Thanks for confirming it is not a Plasma problem.
Assignee: qa-bugs => ngompa13
It's a known problem with glib2.0 2.54, I'm pulling in the fixes now
CC: (none) => tmbAssignee: ngompa13 => tmb
Please try again with glib2.0-2.54.3-1.1.mga6 (currently building)... rpms: glib2.0-common-2.54.3-1.1.mga6 glib-gettextize-2.54.3-1.1.mga6 lib64gio2.0_0-2.54.3-1.1.mga6 lib64glib2.0_0-2.54.3-1.1.mga6 lib64glib2.0-devel-2.54.3-1.1.mga6 lib64glib2.0-static-devel-2.54.3-1.1.mga6 libgio2.0_0-2.54.3-1.1.mga6 libglib2.0_0-2.54.3-1.1.mga6 libglib2.0-devel-2.54.3-1.1.mga6 libglib2.0-static-devel-2.54.3-1.1.mga6
Keywords: feedback => (none)Assignee: tmb => qa-bugs
Updated glib2 etc. on the hardware from Comment 6, both in the 32-bit Xfce install and a 64-bit Plasma 5.12.2 install. Before the update, both installs showed the problem. After updating, the problem disappeared on both installs. Will test on other hardware this afternoon.
Updated on two more sets of real hardware, 1 64-bit Plasma 5.12.2 install on each, 1 32-bit Plasma 5.12.2 on one, and 1 32-bit Xfce install on the other. Packages installed cleanly in each case. The Xfce install had not yet had any Plasma-related packages updated, including these, and I updated all of those at the same time. On each install, I checked cpu usage under Libreoffice after the updates, and each was normal. I would say that as far as the glib2 packages are concerned, this update is OK on both arches. I OKed this bug once, even though I had no clue about how to actually test it, and three days later that proved to be premature. I try not to make the same mistake once, let alone twice, so it would be good if someone who knows what to do could check the rest of it out before it gets OKed again.
Update M6 x64 This comment is just to note while I have the info the start & post-update package versions, before living with them. I have all the Qt5-KFC5-Plasma-KDE updates in place. BEFORE update: meson-0.38.0-3.mga6 [had to install this] appstream-0.11.8-1.mga6 [already up-to-date] lib64appstream4-0.11.8-1.mga6 lib64appstreamqt2-0.11.8-1.mga6 glib2.0-common-2.52.2-2.mga6 glib-gettextize-2.52.2-2.mga6 lib64gio2.0_0-2.52.2-2.mga6 lib64glib2.0_0-2.52.2-2.mga6 lib64glib2.0-devel-2.52.2-2.mga6 libgio2.0_0-2.52.2-2.mga6 libglib2.0_0-2.52.2-2.mga6 gobject-introspection-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64cairo-gir1.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64dbusglib-gir1.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64fontconfig-gir2.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64freetype-gir2.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64girepository1.0_1-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64girepository-gir2.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64gl-gir1.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64glib-gir2.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64xfixes-gir4.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64xft-gir2.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64xlib-gir2.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 lib64xml2-gir2.0-1.52.1-1.mga6 ------------- AFTER update: - meson-0.44.0-1.mga6.noarch - appstream-0.11.8-1.mga6 [was already up-to-date] etc for the rest - glib2.0-common-2.54.3-1.1.mga6.x86_64 etc for the rest. - gobject-introspection-1.54.1-1.mga6.x86_64 etc for the rest.
M6/64 real hardware with AMD E1-1200 dual processor, 4Mb Packages as at the end of the previous comment, all Qt5 etc updated. Using XFCE. I specifically tried LibreOffice CPU usage. The quiescent system (running just a task monitor) was at about 10-12% CPU. With LibreOffice just loaded, doing nothing, similar. Typing at full speed in Writer showed about 25%. Both figures seem high for 2 processors, but not the 100% noted with the previous glib2. I looked at meson (which seems to use ninja), but it is a major application. Not being graphical, I wonder why it is tied to the Plasma updates. As for the rest, this system with kernels 4.14.25 then 4.14.30 shows nothing alarming.
(In reply to Lewis Smith from comment #13) > I looked at meson (which seems to use ninja), but it is a major > application. Not being graphical, I wonder why it is tied to the Plasma > updates. It's used during building some packages in this update
Mageia 6, x86_64 Out of interest I tried meson/ninja after updating the appstream packages. It may sound intimidating but the tutorial at reduces its use to its basic elements in an extremely easy to follow recipe for building a basic "hello world" application in C. As an introduction it is first class. No doubt things get more difficult as the complexity of the application is scaled up. Choose a development directory for the source, say ~user/dev/meson/ and create the helloworld program. e.g. #include<stdio.h> #include<gtk/gtk.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { GtkWidget *win; gtk_init(&argc, &argv); win = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(win), "Hello there"); g_signal_connect(win, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL); gtk_widget_show(win); gtk_main(); } I actually started with the simplest version of hello.c which outputs the string "Hello there" and ran meson to create the demo file then modified hello.c and followed the same steps. Create a meson build file: project('tutorial', 'c') executable('demo', 'hello.c') $ cd dev/meson/ $ meson builddir $ ls builddir/ hello.c $ cd builddir $ ninja [0/1] Regenerating build files. The Meson build system Version: 0.44.0 Source dir: /home/lcl/dev/meson Build dir: /home/lcl/dev/meson/builddir Build type: native build Project name: tutorial Native C compiler: cc (gcc 5.5.0) Build machine cpu family: x86_64 Build machine cpu: x86_64 Found pkg-config: /bin/pkg-config (0.29.1) Native dependency gtk+-3.0 found: YES 3.22.16 Build targets in project: 1 Found ninja-1.7.2 at /bin/ninja [2/2] Linking target demo. $ ls demo* meson-logs/ compile_commands.json 'demo@exe'/ meson-private/ $ ./demo This displayed a blank window with the title "Hello there". This confirms that meson/ninja is working with the updated appstream packages.
CC: (none) => tarazed25
Apologies re comment 15. The file was modified for the Gtk test. $ cat project('tutorial', 'c') gtkdep = dependency('gtk+-3.0') executable('demo', 'hello.c', dependencies : gtkdep)
OKing this on both arches, and validating.
Keywords: (none) => validated_updateWhiteboard: (none) => MGA6-64-OK MGA6-32-OKCC: (none) => sysadmin-bugs
Advisory committed to svn. As I'm not sure if it's ok to push this update before the plasma update, holding off adding the advisory keyword.
CC: (none) => davidwhodgins
Blocks: 22656 => (none)Depends on: (none) => 22656
Keywords: (none) => advisory
An update for this issue has been pushed to the Mageia Updates repository.
Status: ASSIGNED => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => FIXED