Bug 22366 - Can't login with user that's created during Mageia install, adding that user to the lightdm group fixes it (was:LightDM, gtk greeter and login after the clean install)
Summary: Can't login with user that's created during Mageia install, adding that user ...
Alias: None
Product: Mageia
Classification: Unclassified
Component: RPM Packages (show other bugs)
Version: 6
Hardware: All Linux
Priority: Normal normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jani Välimaa
QA Contact:
Keywords: NEEDINFO
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-01-10 00:21 CET by Peter Semiletov
Modified: 2020-08-16 22:12 CEST (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Source RPM: lightdm
Status comment:


Description Peter Semiletov 2018-01-10 00:21:48 CET
Recently I've updated Mageia on two PC's of my friends, and found on both the same strange bug. The bug that I cannot reproduce at the virtual machine. 
Each of the PC's has two partitions, / and home. Lets assume, for example, that "home" has the subdir of user "test".
PS's has old Mageia versions (3 and 4), so I've decided to do a clean install with the formatting of the root partition.
Then, at the "new user" step of the installer, I've created the user "test" to make user work with its old account at home directory.
The new setup was MATE desktop and LightDM.
After the install and reboot, I saw the LightDM gtk greeter, but I could not login with the proper password. The greeter just accepts password (i.e. no message about the error), and - nothing happen.
This was fixed when I've switched to the root console and added user "test" to "lightdm" group.
Then I was able to login with the greeter as user "test".
Such thing happen on two different machines.
At the same time, on my own PC, my account is not at the "lightdm" group, but I freely can login with LightDM gtk greeter.
Comment 1 Marja Van Waes 2018-01-10 09:44:31 CET
Hi, thanks for your report.

Which iso did you use to install from, one of the Lives (which one?) or which classical iso?

If it was one of the Lives, then please attach journal.txt that is the result of running in that installed system, as root:

   journalctl -ab1 > journal.txt

(Compress with xz if it's too large to attach)
((Note that on mga, you can compress it further by using "xz -9 --text"))

If it was a classical install, then please attach


from that installed system.

Please do also attach the logs of the first time the new install was booted, firstboot.txt that is the result of running as root,

for the Live install: 
   journalctl -ab2 > firstboot.txt

for a traditional install:
   journalctl -ab1 > firstboot.txt

Did you make sure that the UID and GID of the user you created during install, were exactly the same as before? https://wiki.mageia.org/en/How_to_choose_the_right_Mageia_upgrade_method#How_to_preserve_user_ID.27s_in_a_clean_install

CC: (none) => marja11
Keywords: (none) => NEEDINFO

Comment 2 Marja Van Waes 2018-01-10 09:47:04 CET
Oops, if you created a user during install, then you must have used a traditional iso... so all we need is


and firstboot.txt that is the result of running as root,

   journalctl -ab1 > firstboot.txt
Comment 3 Peter Semiletov 2018-01-10 12:15:17 CET
I need some time to get to those PC's - my friends are just web-browser users and I don't think they can run something under the root :)
I'll better try again to reproduce the bug at the virtual machine. I think the bug appears only if the user's directory is already exist (when creating new user), and it is somehow related to LightDM, because when I tried to login I saw the message (at the console output) about the user (newly created one) is not in "lightdm" group.
Comment 4 Marja Van Waes 2018-04-23 06:09:54 CEST
Hi Peter,

did you manage to get more information?

@ Wally

Sorry for assigning to you over 3 months after this was reported, I have no idea whether lightdm was the culprit, but assign this report to it, anyway :-/

Summary: LightDM, gtk greeter and login after the clean install => Can't login with user that's created during Mageia install, adding that user to the lightdm group fixes it (was:LightDM, gtk greeter and login after the clean install)
Assignee: bugsquad => jani.valimaa
Component: Installer => RPM Packages
Source RPM: (none) => lightdm

Comment 5 Marja Van Waes 2018-04-23 06:19:15 CEST
Btw, Peter, on my system only lightdm is member of the lightdm group... did you happen to see whether lightdm was a member of the lightdm group on those two systems where you hit this issue?
Comment 6 Peter Semiletov 2018-04-23 21:53:06 CEST
Hi Marja,
As now I understand, the real issue was with the new userid for the user (because Mageia 6 (or 5?) starts userid number from 1000). And adding such user to "lightdm" group seems works as a workaround. 
So, this workaround I've discovered only when I've installed Mageia 6 to the box with Mageia 3 and 4 installed, preserving the old home partition. By creating the new user with the same name as the exisisting one, I've not be able then to login to DE (Mate, etc.). And "lightdm" group helps a lot :)
Comment 7 Renato Dali 2019-01-13 03:18:34 CET
Hi, folks, just to add some pepper to the situation... in bug 19927 I went thru the same problem, but the above workaround didn't solve it for me.

I partially quote comments 26 and 27 from there:

But something went wrong and now LightDM refuses entry to my ordinary user. Upon password entry, the screens goes blank and then LightDM reappears, as if it were the first login. The funny thing is that it's possible to log as root (red background and all).

Do I need to clear some cache or something? Should I open a new bug or is this a continuation of the previous problem?


Hi, one more point: I saw bug 22366 and tried the mentioned workaround (including my user in the lightdm group) -- to no avail.

I will try changing DMs with MCC now... since root access is available...

It worked with xdm: I could log in with my ordinary user (whoami proves it).

Then I switched back to LightDM with MCC and everything works again. I can log in with my ordinary user and LightDM. maybe some configuration or cache was corrected...


I hope that somehow helps...

CC: (none) => mkare

Comment 8 Aurelien Oudelet 2020-08-16 22:12:10 CEST
Mageia 6 changed to end-of-life (EOL) status on 2019-09-30. It is no longer 
maintained, which means that it will not receive any further security or bug 
fix updates.

Package Maintainer: If you wish for this bug to remain open because you plan 
to fix it in a currently maintained version, simply change the 'version' to 
a later Mageia version.

Bug Reporter: Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry that we 
weren't able to fix it before Mageia 6's end of life. If you are able to 
reproduce it against a later version of Mageia, you are encouraged to click 
on "Version" and change it against that version of Mageia.

Although we aim to fix as many bugs as possible during every release's 
lifetime, sometimes those efforts are overtaken by events. Often a more recent
Mageia release includes newer upstream software that fixes bugs or makes them

If you would like to help fixing bugs in the future, don't hesitate to join the
packager team via our mentoring program [1] or join the teams that fit you 
most [2].

[1] https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Becoming_a_Mageia_Packager
[2] http://www.mageia.org/contribute/

Best regards,
Bugsquad Team

CC: (none) => ouaurelien
Resolution: (none) => OLD

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