Mageia 5 will have to upgrade it's owncloud package for several versions soon, to allow a smooth upgrade to Mageia 6 which provides Owncloud 9.y.x. This is the first step towards 8.1.x, then 8.2.x as owncloud does not support skipping major versions on upgrade.
Advisory: ======================== Updated owncloud package fixes future upgrade to version 8.1.x : The owncloud package has been updated to version 8.0.15, which fixes two bugs on upgrade. References: Updated packages in core/updates_testing: ======================== owncloud-8.0.15-1.mga5 from owncloud-8.0.15-1.mga5.src.rpm
Tested on a production server. After the update, I had to trigger the upgrade as always in the login screen. It took less than one minute for 30GB of data. All works after that.
Status: NEW => ASSIGNEDWhiteboard: (none) => MGA5-64-OK
Testing on mageia5, 64 bit. I had 8.0.12, Using MCC I installed 8.0.15, rebooted. Logged into owncloud web interface and initiated the update The server still works OK (have not performed hard nor performance tests)
CC: (none) => fri
8.1.x etc see Bug 17279
Testing on mageia5, 32 bit. I had 8.0.12, Using MCC I installed 8.0.15, all is Ok.
Whiteboard: MGA5-64-OK => MGA5-64-OK MGA5-32-OK
Thanks to José and Morgan for your tests. Update validated, and advisory uploaded.
Keywords: (none) => validated_updateWhiteboard: MGA5-64-OK MGA5-32-OK => MGA5-64-OK MGA5-32-OK advisoryCC: (none) => lewyssmith, sysadmin-bugs
An update for this issue has been pushed to the Mageia Updates repository.
Status: ASSIGNED => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => FIXED