Description of problem: Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): How reproducible: Steps to Reproduce: 1. Unstall kmahjongg 2. Execute 'kmahjongg' in terminal session 3. See never-ending stream of error messages. Sample: QPainter::save: Painter not active QPainter::setPen: Painter not active QPainter::setBrush: Painter not active QPainter::setRenderHint: Painter must be active to set rendering hints QPainter::setRenderHint: Painter must be active to set rendering hints QPainter::restore: Unbalanced save/restore log_kmahjongg: An error occurred when loading the background "/usr/share/apps/kmahjongglib/backgrounds/default.desktop" KMahjongg will continue with the default background. log_kmahjongg: Error loading the layout. Try to load the default layout. log_kmahjongg: Inside LoadDefault(), located layout at "/usr/share/kmahjongg/layouts/default.desktop" log_kmahjongg: Using layout at "/usr/share/kmahjongg/layouts/default.layout" log_libkmahjongg: Inside LoadDefault(), located path at "/usr/share/kmahjongglib/tilesets/default.desktop" log_kmahjongg: An error occurred when loading the tileset "/usr/share/apps/kmahjongglib/tilesets/default.desktop" KMahjongg will continue with the default tileset. log_kmahjongg: Set a new Background: "/usr/share/apps/kmahjongglib/backgrounds/default.desktop" log_kmahjongg: Loading the background failed. Try to load the default background. log_libkmahjongg: Inside LoadDefault(), located background at "/usr/share/kmahjongglib/backgrounds/egyptian.desktop" log_libkmahjongg: Using background at "/usr/share/kmahjongglib/backgrounds/egyptian.svgz" QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 3 QPainter::save: Painter not active QPainter::setPen: Painter not active QPainter::setBrush: Painter not active QPainter::setRenderHint: Painter must b
CC: (none) => marja11Assignee: bugsquad => mageia
Keywords: (none) => 6sta1
is kmahjongglib installed ?
Blocks: (none) => 17523
Yes - in /usr/share.
I have one system updated from an mga5 installation displaying similar behaviour and another installed from the dev1 iso which does not have the problem. The difference seems to be the contents of .config/kmahjonggrc and the existence of .kde4/share/config/kmahjonggrc. Deleting/renaming those files allowed kmahjong to create a new .config/kmahjonggrc and start.
CC: (none) => gm2.asp
Sorry, didn't notice the 6sta1 keyword, so presumably different root cause
Deleting .config/kmahjonggrc and .kde4/share/config/kmahjonggrc (presumably inherited from Mageia-5 /home) has allowed kmahjongg start on my Mageia-6-sta1 Plasma 5.7.0. Is there a way such a migration could be automatically taken care of by a Mageia-6 install taking over a Mageia-5 /home?
you deleted them or you have a copy somewhere ?
I'm away from base and 64-bit Mga-6 until next week, but here on my Samsung NC110 netbook with 32-bit Mga6-RC fully Cauldron updated, kmahjongg is working just fine. This is with the following files in $USER: $ find . -name "*jongg*" -print ./.config/kmahjonggrc ./.local/share/kxmlgui5/kmahjongg ./.kde4/share/apps/kajongg ./.kde4/share/apps/kajongg/kajongg.db ./.kde4/share/config/kmahjonggrc ./.kde4/share/config/kajonggrc ("kajongg"??!! What's that?!) Curiously, with the 64-bit Mga-5 install on the HP Probook here the same 'find' throws up only 1 file: ./.kde4/share/config/kmahjonggrc
I restored my original .config/kmahjonggrc. Current version of kmahjong automatically updates it: $diff kmahjonggrc.old kmahjonggrc 2c2,4 < Layout_file=/usr/share/apps/kmahjongg/layouts/default.desktop --- > Background_file=/usr/share/kmahjongglib/backgrounds/egyptian.desktop > Layout_file=/usr/share/kmahjongg/layouts/default.desktop > Tileset_file=/usr/share/kmahjongglib/tilesets/default.desktop 9c11 < State=AAAA/wAAAAD9AAAAAAAABwAAAAPzAAAABAAAAAQAAAAIAAAACPwAAAABAAAAAgAAAAEAAAAWAG0AYQBpAG4AVABvAG8AbABCAGEAcgEAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA --- > State=AAAA/wAAAAD9AAAAAAAABn8AAAQFAAAABAAAAAQAAAAIAAAACPwAAAABAAAAAgAAAAEAAAAWAG0AYQBpAG4AVABvAG8AbABCAGEAcgEAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA
Tested here on current up-to-date Cauldron and for me kmahjongg works fine as it should.
CC: (none) => geiger.david68210
Assignee: mageia => kde
thanks so closing. Please reopen if needed
Status: NEW => RESOLVEDCC: (none) => mageiaResolution: (none) => FIXED
Working fine here also on up-to-date Mageia-6-sta2.