I have updated mate-screensaver to upstream bugfix version. Suggested advisory: ======================== -Update to bugfix version: 1.6.2 -Drop mate-screensaver-1.6.0-mga-default.patch -Drop upstream patches -Add gscheme.override for default mageia options ======================== Updated packages in core/updates_testing: ======================== mate-screensaver-1.6.2-1.mga4 SRPMS: ======================== mate-screensaver-1.6.2-1.mga4.src.rpm
Component: New RPM package request => RPM Packages
no pb encountered ( mga 4 - 32 bit )
CC: (none) => mageia
CC: (none) => stormiWhiteboard: (none) => MGA4-32-OK
mga 4 - 64bit -> test OK
Whiteboard: MGA4-32-OK => MGA4-32-OK MGA4-64-OK
Summary: [Update Request] Bugfix version mate-file-manager-open-terminal-1.6.1 => [Update Request] Bugfix version mate-screensaver
Advisory uploaded. Validating. Could sysadmin please push to 4 updates Thanks!
Keywords: (none) => validated_updateWhiteboard: MGA4-32-OK MGA4-64-OK => advisory MGA4-32-OK MGA4-64-OKCC: (none) => sysadmin-bugs
Update pushed: http://advisories.mageia.org/MGAA-2014-0025.html
Status: NEW => RESOLVEDCC: (none) => tmbResolution: (none) => FIXED