When starting freecol, the intro video plays just nice. Once it ends (or when it is aborted by clicking), the game freezes and the menu never loads. A newer version is available (0.10.7) fixing some bugs (like this one that I also experience on my system: http://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/bugs/1709/ ), but I could not find a bugfix for the problem I describe in this bug report (or any open bug report upstream). Starting the game from the konsole I don't get any errors, just this output: $ freecol [INFO] init() [INFO] param "url" has string value "file:/usr/share/games/freecol/data/rules/classic/resources/video/freecol-opening.video.ogg" [INFO] param "seekable" has enum value "0" (auto) [INFO] param "live" has enum value "0" (auto) [INFO] param "duration" has double value "-1.0" [INFO] param "audio" has boolean value "true" [INFO] param "video" has boolean value "true" [INFO] param "kateIndex" has int value "0" [INFO] param "kateLanguage" has string value "" [INFO] param "kateCategory" has string value "" [INFO] param "statusHeight" has int value "12" [INFO] param "autoPlay" has boolean value "true" [INFO] param "showStatus" has enum value "2" (hide) [INFO] param "hideTimeout" has int value "3" [INFO] param "showSpeaker" has boolean value "true" [INFO] param "showSubtitles" has boolean value "true" [INFO] param "keepAspect" has boolean value "true" [INFO] param "ignoreAspect" has boolean value "false" [INFO] param "bufferSize" has int value "200" [INFO] param "bufferLow" has int value "10" [INFO] param "bufferHigh" has int value "70" [INFO] param "debug" has int value "0" [INFO] param "userId" has string value "null" [INFO] param "password" has string value "null" Please let me know which additional information might be helpful.
Keywords: (none) => TriagedAssignee: bugsquad => suppSource RPM: (none) => freecol
Please test freecol-0.10.7-1.mga3 from 3/core/updates_testing. Thanks.
Status: NEW => ASSIGNEDCC: (none) => mageiaHardware: i586 => AllAssignee: supp => mageiaSource RPM: freecol => freecol-0.10.5-2.mga3.src.rpm
freecol from updates_testing is working just fine, under Mageia 3 32 bit. Thanks a lot, that was fast! :)
Advisory ==================== This update of freecol allows the game to be usable by adding a patch from upstream to fix the intro video closing. Moreover, it's now using a svg file for the game to have a better rendering in GNOME and updates the game to 0.10.7 in order to fix a lot of bugs. Packages ==================== freecol-0.10.7-1.mga3.src.rpm freecol-0.10.7-1.mga3.noarch.rpm Steps to Reproduce ==================== - Install Mageia 3 - Install freecol (0.10.5 from "core/release" - Try to play with it, it will fail during video playback - Install freecol (0.10.7) from "core/updates_testing" - Play with it and check it will works!
Assignee: mageia => qa-bugsSummary: freecol does not start => [update request] - freecol does not start
Testing complete on Mageia 3 64 bit. I could confirm the freeze at the end of the intro video, which the update candidate fixes :) Validating the update, could someone upload the advisory and a sysadmin push the update? Thanks! Advisory and RPM list are in comment 3.
Keywords: (none) => validated_updateWhiteboard: (none) => MGA3-32-OK MGA3-64-OKCC: (none) => remi, sysadmin-bugs
Assignee: qa-bugs => sysadmin-bugsQA Contact: (none) => qa-bugs
Thanks Rémi, and Wassi. Advisory uploaded.
Assignee: sysadmin-bugs => qa-bugsWhiteboard: MGA3-32-OK MGA3-64-OK => has_procedure advisory MGA3-32-OK MGA3-64-OK
Update pushed: https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11955
Status: ASSIGNED => RESOLVEDCC: (none) => tmbResolution: (none) => FIXED