This is a tracker to manage all bugs related to ibus and its integration
Depends on: (none) => 8731, 9073, 10321, 10534CC: (none) => pierre-malo.denielou, yochenhsieh
Blocks: (none) => 11704
Blocks: (none) => 14069
Keywords: (none) => TRACKER
CC: (none) => true.bugmanDepends on: (none) => 13169
Depends on: (none) => 13168, 13170, 13171, 13172
removing from mga5 release tracker as it looks like all issue under cauldron are solved
Blocks: 14069 => (none)
Depends on: (none) => 15464
I think this tracker is not needed anymore. Closing as fixed.
Status: NEW => RESOLVEDResolution: (none) => FIXED