Bug 10885 - GNOME Control Center crashes when I try to add an online account.
Summary: GNOME Control Center crashes when I try to add an online account.
Alias: None
Product: Mageia
Classification: Unclassified
Component: RPM Packages (show other bugs)
Version: Cauldron
Hardware: x86_64 Linux
Priority: Normal normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Damien Lallement
QA Contact:
Keywords: Triaged
: 12026 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 11844
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2013-07-31 01:43 CEST by Pascal Terjan
Modified: 2014-01-19 21:39 CET (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Source RPM: gnome-online-accounts
Status comment:


Description Pascal Terjan 2013-07-31 01:43:14 CEST
It crashes as soon as I press the button, before displaying the dialog.

(gdb) bt full
#0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x0000000000480f8b in goa_panel_add_account_dialog_add_provider (add_account=<optimized out>, provider=0x1995e90) at cc-online-accounts-add-account-dialog.c:416
        priv = 0x19e80d0
        list_box = <optimized out>
        group = <optimized out>
        group_grid = 0x0
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "goa_panel_add_account_dialog_add_provider"
        __FUNCTION__ = "goa_panel_add_account_dialog_add_provider"
#2  0x000000000047f0a4 in add_account (panel=0x17a8680, provider=0x0, preseed=0x0) at cc-online-accounts-panel.c:708
        provider = 0x1995e90
        parent = 0x16ce4a0
        dialog = 0x19e8350
        providers = 0xb71e80 = {0x19be200, 0xb73590, 0x19be150, 0x1982b10, 0x1815c10, 0xb73560, 0xb73530, 0x1994890, 0x1982ad0, 0x1995e90}
        l = 0xb71fa0 = {0x1995e90}
        object = <optimized out>
        error = <optimized out>
#3  0x00007ffff0329837 in _g_closure_invoke_va (closure=0x19bf540, return_value=0x0, instance=0x16e1d50, args=0x7fffffffd4c8, n_params=0, param_types=0x0) at gclosure.c:840
        marshal = 0x7ffff032b440 <g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOIDv>
        marshal_data = 0x0
        in_marshal = 0
        real_closure = 0x19bf520
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_g_closure_invoke_va"
#4  0x00007ffff0344018 in g_signal_emit_valist (instance=0x16e1d50, signal_id=<optimized out>, detail=0, var_args=var_args@entry=0x7fffffffd4c8) at gsignal.c:3234
        return_accu = 0x0
        accu = {g_type = 0, data = {{v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}, {v_int = 0, 
              v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}}}
        accumulator = 0x0
        emission = {next = 0x7fffffffd750, instance = 0x16e1d50, ihint = {signal_id = 164, detail = 0, run_type = G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST}, state = EMISSION_RUN, 
          chain_type = 11027296}
        signal_id = 164
        instance_type = <optimized out>
        emission_return = {g_type = 0, data = {{v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}, {
              v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}}}
        rtype = 4
        static_scope = 0
        fastpath_handler = <optimized out>
        closure = 0x19bf540
        run_type = <optimized out>
        hlist = 0x19bfac0
        l = <optimized out>
        fastpath = 0
        instance_and_params = <optimized out>
        signal_return_type = <optimized out>
        param_values = <optimized out>
        node = 0xa4fa50
        i = <optimized out>
        n_params = <optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_signal_emit_valist"
        __FUNCTION__ = "g_signal_emit_valist"
#5  0x00007ffff0344832 in g_signal_emit (instance=<optimized out>, signal_id=<optimized out>, detail=<optimized out>) at gsignal.c:3382
        var_args = {{gp_offset = 24, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffffffd5a0, reg_save_area = 0x7fffffffd4e0}}
#6  0x00007ffff1821d68 in gtk_real_button_released (button=0x16e1d50) at gtkbutton.c:2060
        priv = <optimized out>
#7  0x00007ffff0329570 in g_closure_invoke (closure=0xa5b740, return_value=0x0, n_param_values=1, param_values=0x7fffffffd7c0, invocation_hint=0x7fffffffd760)
    at gclosure.c:777
        marshal = 0x7ffff03281d0 <g_type_class_meta_marshal>
        marshal_data = 0x3f8
        in_marshal = 0
        real_closure = 0xa5b720
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_closure_invoke"
#8  0x00007ffff033bae4 in signal_emit_unlocked_R (node=node@entry=0xa943d0, detail=detail@entry=0, instance=instance@entry=0x16e1d50, 
    emission_return=emission_return@entry=0x0, instance_and_params=instance_and_params@entry=0x7fffffffd7c0) at gsignal.c:3512
        accumulator = 0x0
        emission = {next = 0x7fffffffdce0, instance = 0x16e1d50, ihint = {signal_id = 163, detail = 0, run_type = G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST}, state = EMISSION_RUN, 
          chain_type = 11027296}
        class_closure = 0xa5b740
        hlist = 0x0
        handler_list = <optimized out>
        return_accu = 0x0
        accu = {g_type = 0, data = {{v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}, {v_int = 0, 
              v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}}}
        signal_id = 163
        max_sequential_handler_number = 672
        return_value_altered = <optimized out>
#9  0x00007ffff03445d6 in g_signal_emit_valist (instance=0x16e1d50, signal_id=<optimized out>, detail=0, var_args=var_args@entry=0x7fffffffda08) at gsignal.c:3326
        instance_and_params = 0x7fffffffd7c0
        signal_return_type = 4
        param_values = 0x7fffffffd7d8
        node = 0xa943d0
        i = <optimized out>
        n_params = 0
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_signal_emit_valist"
        __FUNCTION__ = "g_signal_emit_valist"
#10 0x00007ffff0344832 in g_signal_emit (instance=<optimized out>, signal_id=<optimized out>, detail=detail@entry=0) at gsignal.c:3382
        var_args = {{gp_offset = 24, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffffffdae0, reg_save_area = 0x7fffffffda20}}
#11 0x00007ffff181ff1d in gtk_button_button_release (widget=<optimized out>, event=<optimized out>) at gtkbutton.c:1892
        button = <optimized out>
#12 gtk_button_button_release (widget=<optimized out>, event=<optimized out>) at gtkbutton.c:1884
No locals.
#13 0x00007ffff1909f4f in _gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXEDv (closure=0x9afcd0, return_value=0x7fffffffdc60, instance=0x16e1d50, args=<optimized out>, marshal_data=<optimized out>, 
    n_params=<optimized out>, param_types=0x9afd00) at gtkmarshalers.c:130
        cc = <optimized out>
        data1 = <optimized out>
        data2 = <optimized out>
        callback = <optimized out>
        arg0 = 0x19cba00
        args_copy = {{gp_offset = 32, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffffffdf00, reg_save_area = 0x7fffffffde40}}
        v_return = <optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXEDv"
#14 0x00007ffff0329837 in _g_closure_invoke_va (closure=0x9afcd0, return_value=0x7fffffffdc60, instance=0x16e1d50, args=0x7fffffffde28, n_params=1, param_types=0x9afd00)
    at gclosure.c:840
        marshal = 0x7ffff0327bd0 <g_type_class_meta_marshalv>
        marshal_data = 0x188
        in_marshal = 0
        real_closure = 0x9afcb0
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_g_closure_invoke_va"
#15 0x00007ffff0344018 in g_signal_emit_valist (instance=0x16e1d50, signal_id=<optimized out>, detail=0, var_args=var_args@entry=0x7fffffffde28) at gsignal.c:3234
        return_accu = 0x7fffffffdc60
        accu = {g_type = 20, data = {{v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}, {v_int = 0, 
              v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}}}
        accumulator = 0x9b0170
        emission = {next = 0x0, instance = 0x16e1d50, ihint = {signal_id = 43, detail = 0, run_type = G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST}, state = EMISSION_RUN, chain_type = 11027296}
        signal_id = 43
        instance_type = <optimized out>
        emission_return = {g_type = 20, data = {{v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}, {
              v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}}}
        rtype = 20
        static_scope = 0
        fastpath_handler = <optimized out>
        closure = 0x9afcd0
        run_type = <optimized out>
        hlist = 0x0
        l = <optimized out>
        fastpath = -9120
        instance_and_params = <optimized out>
        signal_return_type = <optimized out>
        param_values = <optimized out>
        node = 0x9afd20
        i = <optimized out>
        n_params = <optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_signal_emit_valist"
        __FUNCTION__ = "g_signal_emit_valist"
#16 0x00007ffff0344832 in g_signal_emit (instance=instance@entry=0x16e1d50, signal_id=<optimized out>, detail=detail@entry=0) at gsignal.c:3382
        var_args = {{gp_offset = 24, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffffffdf00, reg_save_area = 0x7fffffffde40}}
#17 0x00007ffff1a5693e in gtk_widget_event_internal (widget=widget@entry=0x16e1d50, event=event@entry=0x19cba00) at gtkwidget.c:7143
        signal_num = <optimized out>
        return_val = 0
#18 0x00007ffff1a56d59 in gtk_widget_event (widget=widget@entry=0x16e1d50, event=event@entry=0x19cba00) at gtkwidget.c:6805
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "gtk_widget_event"
#19 0x00007ffff1907e1e in propagate_event_up (topmost=<optimized out>, event=<optimized out>, widget=0x16e1d50) at gtkmain.c:2392
        tmp = <optimized out>
        handled_event = <optimized out>
#20 propagate_event (widget=<optimized out>, event=0x19cba00, captured=<optimized out>, topmost=0x0) at gtkmain.c:2500
        handled_event = 0
        propagate_func = 0x7ffff1a56cd0 <gtk_widget_event>
#21 0x00007ffff1909b03 in gtk_main_do_event (event=0x19cba00) at gtkmain.c:1715
        event_widget = <optimized out>
        grab_widget = 0x16e1d50
        topmost_widget = <optimized out>
        window_group = <optimized out>
        rewritten_event = <optimized out>
        device = <optimized out>
        tmp_list = <optimized out>
        __FUNCTION__ = "gtk_main_do_event"
#22 0x00007ffff14d85c2 in gdk_event_source_dispatch (source=source@entry=0x9f3ee0, callback=<optimized out>, user_data=<optimized out>) at gdkeventsource.c:364
        display = <optimized out>
        event = 0x19cba00
#23 0x00007ffff0064d05 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x998ae0) at gmain.c:3065
        dispatch = 0x7ffff14d85a0 <gdk_event_source_dispatch>
        was_in_call = 0
        user_data = 0x0
        callback = 0x0
        cb_funcs = 0x0
        cb_data = 0x0
        current_source_link = {data = 0x9f3ee0, next = 0x0}
        need_destroy = <optimized out>
        source = 0x9f3ee0
        current = 0x98cb50
        i = <optimized out>
#24 g_main_context_dispatch (context=context@entry=0x998ae0) at gmain.c:3641
No locals.
#25 0x00007ffff0065048 in g_main_context_iterate (context=context@entry=0x998ae0, block=block@entry=1, dispatch=dispatch@entry=1, self=<optimized out>) at gmain.c:3712
        max_priority = 2147483647
        timeout = 17
        some_ready = 1
        nfds = <optimized out>
        allocated_nfds = <optimized out>
        fds = 0x19cf740
#26 0x00007ffff0065104 in g_main_context_iteration (context=0x998ae0, context@entry=0x0, may_block=may_block@entry=1) at gmain.c:3773
        retval = <optimized out>
#27 0x00007ffff0610bbc in g_application_run (application=0x9950f0, argc=argc@entry=1, argv=argv@entry=0x7fffffffe248) at gapplication.c:1635
        arguments = 0x994460
        status = 0
        i = <optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_application_run"
#28 0x00000000004498c5 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe248) at main.c:49
        application = 0x9950f0
        status = <optimized out>

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):



Steps to Reproduce:
Manuel Hiebel 2013-07-31 09:39:39 CEST

Keywords: (none) => Triaged
CC: (none) => olav
Assignee: bugsquad => mageia

Comment 1 Philippe Leblanc 2013-10-18 16:17:19 CEST
I get the same problem. I think lib64goa might be the culprit since it spits out the following error message after running it from the terminal.

(gnome-control-center:3190): GoaBackend-CRITICAL **: goa_provider_get_provider_features: assertion 'GOA_PROVIDER_GET_CLASS (provider)->get_provider_features != NULL' failed

CC: (none) => philippe.l

Comment 2 Dimitris Tsiamasiotis 2013-12-18 21:12:51 CET
*** Bug 12026 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

CC: (none) => reinout

Manuel Hiebel 2013-12-22 20:17:39 CET

Blocks: (none) => 11844

Damien Lallement 2013-12-24 05:19:43 CET


Comment 3 Götz Waschk 2013-12-26 00:46:51 CET
reported upstream: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=721061

CC: (none) => goetz.waschk

Comment 4 Anne Nicolas 2014-01-19 21:24:38 CET
"Given that it was explicitly stated in bug 695236 comment 9 that the code is
unsupported, it would be best to move the feature to a separate branch so that
it can't end up in stable.  Leaving it in master to have a year old bug
repeatedly duplicated seems like it wastes everybody's time."

Can we remove that buggy one for Mageia?

CC: (none) => ennael1

Comment 5 Manuel Hiebel 2014-01-19 21:39:40 CET
Götz looks like to have made it in gnome-online-accounts-3.10.2-2.mga4 

gw666 <gw666> 3.10.2-2.mga4:
- disable twitter to prevent crashes (bgo #721061)

Resolution: (none) => FIXED
Source RPM: gnome-control-center => gnome-online-accounts

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.